Hidden in Plain Sight in Party Games - Posts - PartyStuff

Hidden in Plain Sight

Summary: Hidden in Plain Sight is a searching game for the smaller crowd. Ages: From 3 to 6 If you are having children of different ages play, then consider breaking up the kids into age appropriate teams and playing the game a couple times.

Recommended Number of Players: Between 3 to 15

Equipment: An object to hide. If you are having a theme party, then choose an object that matches your theme. For instance, you could hide a plastic egg at a dinosaur party, or a crown at a princess party.

Set Up: Hide your object in plain sight.

Rules: 1) Only hide the object in plain sight 2) When the child finds the object, they must yell 'Got It'.

How to Play: Show each player the object that they will be looking for and select a child to be the first hider. The other players go into another room while the hider secrets the toy. When it comes to hiding anything goes, but at least part of the toy must be showing. Younger players might need help with this concept. Have an adult help the youngest hiders. If you are divided into age groups for this game the hider from the older playing group could also help. Once the toy is properly hidden bring the other players back to search. When a player finds the toy they call out 'Got It' and they become the hider.

Winner: The winner is the child who find the object first.
category: Party Games
type: Text Idea
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code: po137