Human Knot in Party Games - Posts - PartyStuff

Human Knot

Summary: An Ice Breaker game where the team starts in a knot and must untangle themselves. Ages: From 12 and up

Recommended Number of Players/Teams: This can be played with only one team, but it can also expand if you have a larger group. Each team should have between 10 to 12 players

Set Up: No prior set-up required

How to Play: Have everyone in the same team stand in a circle facing each other. Each player should be standing shoulder to shoulder. First, have all the team members lift their left hand and reach across to take the hand of someone standing across the circle. Next, have everyone lift their right and reach across to take the hand of another person standing across the circle. Make sure that no one is holding hands with someone standing directly beside them. Now the real fun begins. Each team is to untangle themsevles without letting go of anyones hand. This ice breaker game gets people talking and communicating with each other. They will usually ask for names if they are not familiar with one another yet.

Winner: If you are playing this with several teams, first team done, wins.
category: Party Games
type: Text Idea
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code: po131