Invitations For Duck Kitty Party in Theme Invite

Invitations For Duck Kitty Party

Sat October 3, 2015 by Kunal Bansal
Make your rubber ducky kitty party invitations by cutting rubber duck shapes out of yellow foam sheets or yellow construction paper. Either glue on wiggly eyes or with a permanent marker draw an eye (or two, depending on if it’s profile or up front) and color the beak orange.

Make the rubber ducky kitty party invitation even more interesting by creating a “flippable” wing made from yellow construction paper and glued or taped on. Write underneath it so that the receiver needs to flip over the wing to see the kitty party info. Use the following lines in your invitation message.

“Splish, Splash!
All duckies get ready
for a Duck Theme Kitty Bash.
at Green Inn on 26th of march.
category: Theme Invite
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code: po1824