Monster Tag in Party Games - Posts - PartyStuff

Monster Tag

Summary:Monster Tag is a great Halloween version of the popular kids game of tag.

Ages: From 6 to 16

Recommended Number of Players: Only limited by the space in which you have to play

Equipment: Blindfold Best if played with a monster mask and possibly monster hands, but not completely necessary.

Set Up: Pick an area of your house, yard or park that is large enough to mark off a circle. You'll need to use some masking tape or rope to close in the circle as this will be the playing ground for your "monster". Make sure the inside of the circle is free of any objects that the players might trip over or run into.

How to Play: Toss a coin to pick the first "Monster". The monster wears a monster mask and monster hands. They also have a blindfold placed over their eyes; they aren't supposed to see. This is a hearing and touching game. All players have to stay within the circle while the monster wanders around with their arms reaching out to catch the players. When the "monster" moans or growls, all the players must moan or growl back and extend their arms. This is how the "monster" finds his/her victims. When a player gets tagged, they become the next "monster" and must wear the mask and blindfold. ?

Winner: Non-competitive
category: Party Games
type: Text Idea
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code: po109