Re-Union of Friends in Akbar Birbal Stories

Re-Union of Friends

Sat July 30, 2011 by Kunal Bansal
This is an interesting and emotional story about friendship shared between King Akbar and Birbal. One day, Birbal made a harmless comment about King?s sense of humour. Akbar felt offended and ordered Birbal to not only leave the palace but also the kingdom. Birbal was terribly hurt but without uttering any word he left the place. After few days, King Akbar started to miss Birbal who was his friend, confidant and curt-jester. He started to regret over his angry and impulsive decision of banishing Birbal. So, he sent out a search party to look for Birbal but no one had any clue regarding whereabouts of Him. Birbal had left the town without informing anyone. Soldier looked everywhere but could not trace him. The emperor was despondent and sad because of unavailability of Birbal. Then, one day a wise saint came in the town to visit the palace. His disciples claimed that he is the wisest man on the entire earth. The King decided to test the wisdom of the saint and he also thought in case he manages to pass the test, he would keep him company like Birbal did. The holy man had thick beard, sparkling eyes and long hair. The emperor told the saint that he will have to go through some questions posed by his wise ministers. Only when he gives answer to the satisfaction of all, he would be given a respectable place in the palace else he would be beheaded. The holy man agreed to this condition and got ready for the test. The round of questioning began. First question was ?which was the most superior thing on earth? to which saint replied, ?knowledge?. Next question was fired at him, ?what travels more speedily than the wind? and holy man calmly replied, ?man?s thoughts?. Then, ?who is a man?s best friend? and the answer given was ?his own good sense?. ?Which is the deepest trench in the world? and the answer was ?a woman?s heart?. Next up was, ?which is the sweetest and most melodious voice at night time? to which wise man answered, ?the voice that prays to the God?. All the courtiers were impressed with his answers yet the King thought of asking some questions himself. Akbar asked, ?what is the most essential requirement to rule over a kingdom? and the saint said, ?cleverness?. King was really thrilled with holy man?s answers. He offered the saint a seat of honour and asked whether he could perform any miracles. The saint simply removed his artificial beard and hair and to everyone?s surprise it was Birbal himself. King could not stop himself and stepped down. The Emperor embraced Birbal and had tears in his eyes. He was extremely happy and showered Birbal with valuable gifts to express his delight.
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