Seven Games For Little Pony Theme Kitty Party in Party Games

Seven Games For Little Pony Theme Kitty Party

What’s not to love about Little Pony – they are whimsical, sparkly and purely magical! Little Pony parties are an easy theme with a colourful rainbow palette and games that will keep the kids entertained for two hours. I’m sure you will get some inspiration and ideas on how to host your very own Little Pony theme kitty Party from here. Party Stuff has compiled a list of Little Pony themed games that you can recreate for your own day of fun. Keep reading below to find out and for more details you can visit

1. Musical Ponnies - Once all of your guests have arrived have them all jump to their feet for a quick game of Musical Ponies. Have the players prance about dancing to the music when the music stops they must freeze and not move. Players who move are out of the game.

2. Mustang Roundup - Choose one or more children to be rustlers. All the other party guests are mustangs. When the rustlers hear command 'Corral 'em!' - They have to catch the mustangs. When players get caught, they go to a designated area called 'Corral.' There they must stand with their legs wide apart. To be freed, one of the free mustangs must crawl between their legs. Keep the game going until every mustang has been caught.

3. Wonder Bolt Obstacle Course - Use various items such as Tunnels, hula hoops, cones to set up a Wonder bolt Obstacle course for teams to race against. For older children, add an Egg and Spoon relay dynamic and race Rainbow Dash Style “as fast as you possible can”.

4. My Little Pony Scavenger Hunt - Hide small stuffed or plastic ponies and horses throughout your yard or house. Make sure that they are not too difficult to find. Send your kitty party guests to find the lost animals and bring them back home.

5. There's A Pony On My Back - Pair up your party guests and put a sticker or a picture of a printable MY LITTLE PONY character on each child’s back. Have the guests try to guess which pony is on their back by asking their partners questions that can be answered with only “yes” or “no”. For example, “Am I pink?”, “Can I Fly?” or “Do I Dance?”

6. Relay Race - Divide everyone into two teams. Give each person a plastic spoon and either a marshmallow or a jellybean. When the relay starts, the first person has to put the marshmallow/jellybean on the spoon and put the spoon in his/her mouth. Have them run to a designated spot and back again. The first team to have all of their members go and come back wins!

7. Apple Pony - Hang apples from the ceiling using string. Hang them so that they are the same height as the guest’s mouths. Once the game starts, have the guests try to bite the apples using only their mouths. They can help each other, but they are only allowed to use their heads!

I hope you will like to play the above games in your Little Pony theme kitty party!
category: Party Games
type: Text Idea
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