Seven Games For Madagascar Theme Kitty Party in Party Games

Seven Games For Madagascar Theme Kitty Party

With the new Madagascar documentary coming out, now is a great time to renew your kids’ interest in the fun animated movies. Throw your kitty friends a Madagascar theme kitty party, complete with these fun Madagascar party games for kids! Party Stuff has bought some of the interesting game ideas for Madagascar theme kitty party. Let's go through them and for more details you can log into

1. Musical chairs - When you are partying with kids you can certainly play party games like musical chairs to some of the best songs that are in the movie. It would be nice to have kids play musical chairs to the “I Like to Move It” song, which is closely associated with Madagascar. The song has a fun party feel to it that kids love.

2. Pass the Parcel - You can also play a game like Pass the Parcel to Madagascar soundtrack songs. You will need some Madagascar movie music that you can let players groove to while playing and passing the parcel.

3. Pinata - You can use piñatas made from other Madagascar characters like Alex, Marty and even Melman. This is a great way to enjoy some party time as you can stuff piñatas with lots of candies and sweets. Kids always get a kick out of pinatas!

4. Scavenger Hunt - Make it Madagascar-style by playing some African music in the background. Let kids go for some hunting chocolates and sweets that are hidden around. You can place some hints for the kids on how they can reach the treasure. You can also dress kids as penguins, who are experts at handling such situations.

5. Jungle Charades - Players have to pick a card and then enact or make noise of the animal until others identify or shout out the name of that animal. When the animal is identified everybody must stand up and act like that animal before the next turn comes up.

6. Madagascar Dance Off – Download some of the Madagasgar tunes (“I like to move it, move it” comes to mind!) and get the players dancing. A game of statues using the themed music would work well too. Each time the music stops, ask the players to pull their funniest Madagascar pose!

7. Fossa Red Rover – The fossa are the bad guys that want to eat the lemurs. Start with one fossa in the middle who calls over the lemurs. As the lemurs try to get past the fossa, any that are tagged become fossa too. The last surviving lemur is the winner.

I hope you will like to play the above games in your Madagascar theme kitty party!
category: Party Games
type: Text Idea
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