Six Games For Kites Theme Kitty Party in Party Games

Six Games For Kites Theme Kitty Party

This unique and fun theme is starting to become popular and after being inspired by some beautiful real Kite parties. It’s a perfect one for all ages and can be styled for a kitty party. The best thing about this theme is being able to include some kite making and kite flying as part of your party which the children and parents are sure to enjoy! Party Stuff has made some of the exciting games for Kites theme kitty party. Let's have a look on some of the game ideas and for more details you can visit

1. Kites Tambola - Host has to make tambola tickets in the shape of kites of different colors and get the printouts of the same as per number of players. Write down 15 numbers in each ticket. Caller needs to pick up a token randomly and call the number. If the number exists on the player’s printout, he/she has to strike it as well as caller has to place the token on the board.

2. Knot The Kite - For this game host has to arrange 5 kites, scissor and roll of manjha. Give the above material to all the players and they have to make 4 holes and tie the knots of manja to the get the kite ready for flying in one minute. The one who is able to tie the knots of maximum kites wins.

3. Making Kites - Host has to arrange many colored papers, scissors, soft sticks and string for each team and they have to make kites as many as they can with the given material in five minutes. The team which makes maximum kites in five minutes wins the game.

4. Kite Flying Competition - For this game host will divide the members into teams and the one member from each team has to take their turns and fly kites in the sky. The team whose players fly kite high in the sky for five minutes wins the game.

5. Kites With Names - For this game host has to cut some squares shapes and triangle shapes on colored paper and write each players name on the shapes and mix them in a tray. Player have to find a square shape and a triangle shape of same name written and make a kite on the table. The player who makes maximum kites on the table with same name on both shapes wins the game.

6. Make Kites With Matchsticks - Host has to arrange many matchsticks for each player and they have to make kites using match sticks on the table. All players can play together and the time limit will be one minute as it is very easy to make kites with matchsticks.

I hope you will like to play the above games in your Kites theme kitty party!
category: Party Games
type: Text Idea
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