Ten Games For Ice Cream Theme Kitty Party in Party Games

Ten Games For Ice Cream Theme Kitty Party

Everyone loves ice cream—so why not throw an ice cream themed kitty party? There are endless ways you can incorporate ice cream into your kitty party. From the decorations to the actual food, ice cream can be a versatile theme for your kitty party. To make your party even more fun, Party Stuff has compiled a list of ice cream themed games that you can recreate for your own day of fun. Keep reading below to find out and for more details you can visit https://partystuff.in/games/icecream.

1. Pin The Cherry On Sundae - Rather than pinning the tail on the donkey, players will pin the cherry atop the ice cream sundae. Blindfold the player, give them three spins, and have them feel around to pin the cherry atop the sundae.

2. Ice Cream Sundae - In this game host has to make arrangements for the ingredients of sundae ice cream like whipped cream, chocolate syrup, topping, cherries and a dice. Write sundae making instruction on paper form 1 to 6 series. The players have to roll the die one by one and follow that number instructions and make the ice cream sundae. One can only start the game when dice stops at four because choosing sundae starts form number four. Player who completes the sundae first wins the game.

3. Blindfold Taste Party - Host has to make arrangements for different flavoured pastries or ice creams. Call each player one by one, blindfold her and ask the player to taste the pastries and tell about the flavour. Player who tells maximum right flavours in one minute wins the game.

4. Ice Cream Cone With Scoops - For this game host has to arrange half round brown hard paper, stapler and few crushed color papers. Give the above mentioned material to the members and ask them to make ice cream cones with scoop in three minutes. Member who will make the maximum number of cones in three minutes will win the game.

5. Ice Cream Sundae Scavenger Hunt - Hide all of the makings of an ice cream sundae (bowls, spoons, toppings, sauces and mix-ins, ice cream scoop) around the party space (except, of course, for the ice cream, which would melt if not kept in the freezer). Give the players a list of the items you have hidden and send them on a hunt for the makings of their sundae.

6. Cherry On A Spoon Race - Like the traditional egg on a spoon race, players must race to carry a cherry, on a sundae spoon, from one spot to another without dropping it. If someone drops the cherry, she must go back and start again.

7. Blind Scoop - For this game, give each player an empty bowl, an ice cream scooper, and a pile of cotton balls. Blindfold the participants and set a timer. Players must use the time to scoop as many cotton balls into their bowls as they can. When time is up, players will remove their blindfolds and count how many cotton balls they actually managed to get into their bowls.

8. Ice Cream Eating Contest - For some messy—but delicious—fun, have your party guests sit around a table with their hands tied behind their backs. Place a bowl of ice cream in front of each player (with plenty of whipped cream on top) and see who can finish first.

9. Ice Cream Sundae Relay - Place two sets of necessities for ice cream sundaes at one end of the party space. Have guests split into two teams and line up on the other side. Teams will race, relay-style to gather the ingredients, one at a time, and bring them back to their team. When all of the items are collected, the team needs to make a sundae. The first team to build a completed sundae that uses all of the ingredients wins.

10. I Can't See My Ice Cream - Make the couples sit one behind the other. The person at the back can stand also. Now blindfold both the players and give icecream bowl and a spoon to the player standing at back. The member standing on the back will take a spoon and feed the member sitting ahead. The couple who finishes the ice-cream first will win this game.

I hope you will like to play the above games in your Ice cream theme kitty party!
category: Party Games
type: Text Idea
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