Ten Games For India Theme Kitty Party in Party Games

Ten Games For India Theme Kitty Party

India is a big country having twenty eight states & seven union territories. Hindi is the most common spoken language in the country. India is a land of festivals. It has over hundred festivals throughout the year carrying message of high moral values. Host an India theme kitty party for your friends and have them enjoy the Indian food, culture and games.

Party Stuff can help you out in framing some of the games for India theme kitty party. Scroll down to see some of the ideas and for more details you can visit https://partystuff.in/games/theme/india.

1.Fruits Vegetables Of Tiranga Colour - In this game host will give a sheet to each player and they have to write names of fruits and vegetables of green (green apple, pear,etc) white (white onions, garlic, turnip etc.) and orange (orange, peach, pumpkin etc.) in colour. The one who writes maximum fruits and vegetables names in one minute wins the game.

2. Guess The Water In Pot - Host has to arrange 7 pots and out of them 2 will be half filled pots (matka) and keep them on table. Blindfold the player and ask her to guess in which matka water is there without putting hand inside. The one who guesses the water filled pot earlier wins the game.

3. Fill The Indian Map - In this game players have to fill the states in Indian map given to them. You can play this game with school kids also as they are in touch with that. The player who will fill all the states in one minute wins the game.

4. Know The World - For this game host has to make a game sheet with the pictures of worldwide flags for all players and they have to write the name of the countries in front of each flag. The one who writes maximum right countries name in one minute is the winner.

5. Match The Slogans - In this game host has to write some slogans on one side and the name of freedom fighters on other side in a mixed way and arrange the photocopies of the same and pens for each player. Players now have to match the slogans with the freedom fighter’s name who said it. Whosoever matches maximum slogans with the freedom fighter’s name will be the winner.

6. Make The Word Republic Day - Divide the members into 3 or more teams according to the colours for eg:- red team, blue team. Teams names will be same of the colour set of alphabet cards. All the players have to find out the alphabet cards of their colour to make the word ‘REPUBLIC DAY’. The group who is able to find out all the alphabets and made the word ‘REPUBLIC DAY’ at the earliest wins.

7. Complete The Name - Write the 20 names of freedom fighter using ice-cream sticks for eg. Mahatma on one stick and Gandhi on another stick. The players have to complete the names by finding the sticks from the bowl. The player who complete maximum names in one minute is the winner.

8. Seperate The Tricolor Pulses - For this game host has to arrange rice for white, green whole moong dal for green and malka ki dal for saffron and red kidney beans for the pole. Ask the members to seperate above mentioned pulses and put them in four different bowls in one minute. The player who is able to put the maximum pulses is the winner.

9. Shabdo Ka Her Pher - In this game host has to write some hindi words on a sheet of paper and get them photocopied for each member. Members have to make sensible sentences from the given hindi words in one minute. The member who writes maximum correct sentences will be the winner of this game.

10. National Events - For this game host has to arrange pen and paper for each player and they have to write some national important dates and the events which the nation holds every year. The one who writes the maximum correct answers in one minute wins.

I hope you will like to play the above games in your India theme kitty party!
category: Party Games
type: Text Idea
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