Ten Games For Kitchen Theme Kitty Party in Party Games

Ten Games For Kitchen Theme Kitty Party

We love to spend time in the kitchen. Kitchen is basically the soul of home where most of the ladies time is spent. So let's think some different and bring kitchen to the kitty party this month. Kitchen theme kitty party works for all ages, lots of different events and appeals to the chef in all of us. The best part about this kitty party theme is that you don’t need to collect many things for this. Almost everything is found in your own kitchen.

Party Stuff has made some of the exciting games for Kitchen theme kitty party. Let's have a look on some of the game ideas and for more details you can visit https://partystuff.in/games/theme/kitchen.

1. Kitchen Colours - In this game host has to arrange a pen and a paper for each player and ask them to write the names of things used or found in kitchen on a paper as many as they can in one minute of different colors. For ex. Red – Apple, Pomegranate, Green- Moong dal, peas, palak, mint leaves etc. The player who write the maximum things in one minute wins.

2. War Between Haldi And Ginger - Give one basket filled with dry ginger and dry haldi (turmeric) and two clear bowls to each player and blindfold them. As the time starts, the player has to put ginger and haldi in separate bowls by touching and guessing in one minute. Give 10 point for the correct pieces and minus 5 for incorrect ones.

3. Recipe Mix Up - Divide the kids into teams and give each team the same recipe with all the ingredients and directions on separate slips of paper. The goal is to arrange all the ingredients and directions in the correct order. You can provide a blank sheet of paper and either tape or glue to make the process easier.

4. Black Pepper - Host has to arrange three shallow containers (plastic), 50-60 grains of black pepper and green peas and 5-6 nos of straw pipe. Call each player one by one and ask the player to take one straw pipe in his hand. Player has to transfer peppers in empty bowl by sucking and holding them with straw pipe.

5. Take Out Rubber Bands From Rice - Host has to arrange a glass full of rice. Hide plain rubbers in rice, which we use to assemble notes. Add maximum red color rubbers in that. Now put one spoon in the glass with the top in the rice and bottom out of the glass. Call each player one by one, give her a toothpick and the player has to find red color rubbers using toothpick and put them in spoon.

6. Throw Peanuts In Players Mouth - Host has to arrange simple peanuts for this game. Divide the guests in pairs. Call each pair one by one and the challenge is one player will throw peanuts in other member's mouth from a certain distance. Time limit is one minute.

7. Toothpick With Thermocole Balls In Rice - For this game host has to arrange rice in a big bowl. Fix toothpicks in rice with thermocole balls at the edge of the toothpicks and hide in rice. Leave some of the toothpicks without thermocole ball. Call each player one by one and the challenge is players have to grab the toothpicks one by one. The player will be considered out, if she grabs the toothpick without thermocole ball.

8. Kitchen Specialist - In this game, host has to make a sheet with some of the questions related to kitchen and cooking problems. For example:- If their is much salt in daal, how to reduce it? etc.... Give the photocopy with a pen to each player and ask them to write the solution below each question.

9. Buttons On Forehead - In this game, host has to arrange only small buttons on a table and spread them. Call each player one by one and ask her to touch her forehead on table on buttons and press it so that buttons get fix on her forehead and the host will count that number of buttons.

10. Mirch Masala Tambola - In this game host has to arrange blank tambola tickets and a list of indian spices. Give each player a blank tambola ticket, a pen and a list of inidan species and ask them to write any 15 species name in their ticket. Then the host will call out any names and players having that numbers will strike them off and claim that dividends.

I hope you will like to play the above games in your Kitchen theme kitty party!
category: Party Games
type: Text Idea
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code: po1285