There's No Place Like Home in Party Games

There's No Place Like Home

Summary: This home scavenger hunt is fun because the items are hidden around the home in a room or place they DO NOT BELONG. Have the kids find as many of these items as possible They may work in teams or individually. The number of items you hide depends on the amount of children playing the game. The list below will give you a good start. Ages: Children from 5 to 12 Set-Up: 1. Create your list of items using the suggestions you will find at the bottom of this page 2. Hide the items around the house in places or rooms that they don't belong 3. Hide only ONE of each item on the list 4. Hide one of the items EXTRA well in case of a tie

Equipment Needed: A list of the hidden items Each team or individual will need a pillow case

Rules: 1. The participants have a time limit of 20 minutes. 2. Inform them which rooms are LEGAL (hidden items are here) and which rooms are OFF IMITS (nothing is hidden in these rooms). Feel free to use the garage as a room. You could even use the front porch, backyard or the deck in nice weather. 3. Tell the participants there is ONE hidden especially well and if they find that item, they get extra credit. 4. The participants must come back to the starting point once the time has run out. Winning: The winner is the team/person with the most items. If there is a tie, the team/person who found the one item hidden EXTRA well is now the winner.
category: Party Games
type: Text Idea
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code: po135