Power kukuba in Props - Product Class - PartyStuff

Power kukuba | product class

product type: kukuba classic
product group: kukuba
product family: Tambola Housie
Smallest number on the card present in column 1 is the power number. When this number is called then all numbers starting from this number can also be striked out. If a card has numbers as 3, 5, 11, 18, 20, 32, 35, 51, 60, 62, 69, 71, 76, 80, 85 then 3 is the power number. When number 3 is called out then 32 and 35 can also be striked along with 3. These cards can also be used to play classic Tambola/Housie.

Smallest number is the power number. It is in 1st column and would be between 1 to 9. When this special power number is strike then player can strike all numbers starting with that number. Other dividend can be striking out all number having the power number, or host can set a rule that maximum of 4 numbers can be strike out having the power number.
Items in Power kukuba
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code: pcl246
bookmark: https://partystuff.in/product-class/power-kukuba