Section Host Dividend Kukuba in Props - Product Class - PartyStuff

Section Host Dividend Kukuba | product class

product type: kukuba special
product group: kukuba
product family: Tambola Housie
Host has 2 set of coins for playing. 1st set is used for normal calling of numbers. Second set of coins is use to put randomly across different sections/groups or these can be pre-filled for host.

A playing card is provided to all participants. Same enlarged/big size card is available with host. Card has different groups (instead of lines), generally 6 or more. Host puts equal (generally) numbers of coins in each section/group randomly. Game starts normally by calling numbers. If a group gets completed for a participant then all numbers of the claiming participant are matched with corresponding section/group of host card. If no (0) number of participant card matches with host card then no prize and game continues with the group is still available as dividend. If 1 number of participant card matches with host card then prize amount is 1 time. If 2 number of participant card matches with host card then prize amount is 2 time and so on.
Items in Section Host Dividend Kukuba
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code: pcl195