Double kukuba | kukuba classic | Tambola Housie Designs
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Tambola Housie, product type: kukuba classic, product class: Double kukuba

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Halloween Tambola Housie 2 | PDF list5498_2 PDF Tambola Housie
🎃 Halloween
Tambola Housie
Double kukuba
starts ₹220
Two Cards Kukuba | Printed list174_2 Printed Tambola Housie
It has double the numbers i.e. 30 to give more options to strike numbers and player doesn’t have to wait for long. There are 2 numbers in each cell Upper/Lower e.g. 5/8. Upper one is 5 and lower one is 8 here. All 30 numbers are unique on the card. While playing, an upper/lower number or both can be striked. To win a combination like rows, full kukuba (or full house) or corners only 1 number from each cell is required to be striked out.

Each cell has 2 numbers present. It means playing 2 tickets in 1 ticket. It can be played as 2 tickets individually or both together. Dividends can be any 5 five numbers of a row.
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