Capture Attack Kukuba | kukuba special | Tambola Housie Designs
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Tambola Housie, product type: kukuba special, product class: Capture Attack Kukuba

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Playing Cards Capture Kukuba | Printed list1393_1 Printed Tambola Housie
₹120 for 16 cards
get upto ₹30 off
Different numbers (generally 30) are present multiple times on each card in 9x9 grid (generally). Items (as images or words) are present at various grid locations instead of numbers. When a number is called out, all occurrences of that number should be striked out. Aim is to strike all numbers around an item to capture that item.

Dividends could be: Capturing Individual Items, Capturing all items (full house), Early 3 Items, Capturing all same items, Left side of all Items, Right Side of all Items, Capturing all non-border items
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