Multi Prize Kukuba | kukuba special | Tambola Housie | Valentine Designs
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theme: Valentine, Tambola Housie, product type: kukuba special, product class: Multi Prize Kukuba

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Valentine Multi Prize kukuba 14 | Printed list2565_1 Printed Tambola Housie
₹120 for 16 cards
get upto ₹30 off
Similar to designer tambola with some twists. Group names which remain same in designer tambola (acts as prize) are random in this format.
E.g. In designer tambola there are say 4 groups on each card having 4 numbers each. Group Names are A, B, C, D. In multi prize, there would be 4 Groups on a card but their name would be randomly taken from more than 4 names say 8 names A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H. Four group names will be taken A, C, H, F from these 8 names and assigned to group names on a card. In this some player will won prize for completing group A, some group B upto group G. So, it makes total prizes for groups equal to 8 instead of 4 in designer tambola.

Another twist is in winning Full House. Say Card 1 has groups A, B, C, D. Card 2 has groups C, D, E, F, and Card 3 has groups E, F, G, H. Group C, D have been completed and won by Card 1. Group E, F has been completed and won by Card 3. But Card 2 has not won these groups yet but it has been announced that Groups C, D, E, F have been completed so Card 2 can announce a Magical House Win as group names mentioned on his/her card have been won.
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