Shape theme Designs
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shape theme designs

theme: Shape

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Shapes & Colour Count | Printed list1781_1 Printed Paper Games
Paper Games
Count Items
₹120 for 4 cards
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Do you have Shape theme party related items?

Certainly, we have! Shape theme party game items for your event.

I want to organise Shape theme event. What item types do you have for Shape theme?

partystuff offers Tambola Housie, Activities, Paper Games for Shape theme event.

How early should I place order for Shape theme items for my event?

Generally 8 to 9 days before your event you should order Shape theme items. It depends on item availability and your location.

What is pricing of Shape theme design options?

Price of a design/item in Shape theme depends on a particular design size and quantity. Shipping amount is extra and it depends on shipment weight and location.

What quantity should I order for Shape theme design items?

Depending on your audience/guest list you have to order quantity/pieces of the item for Shape theme. Shape tambola housie tickets/cards are ordered as pieces, props are ordered as single units. For paper games some are ordered as pieces where each individual player/guest is given one peice and for some paper games only 1 to 2 pieces are required.

What paper material is used for paper based items like tambola housie, paper games, props, cards in Shape theme?

Mostly it is thick/card paper for Shape theme paper based items, these are mostly color printed based on design. In some classic tickets thin paper is used with black printing on white/color paper.

For Shape theme tambola housie tickets do I get unique tickets?

Yes, cards with unqiue combination of numbers are available.

Is COD option available if I order items for Shape theme?

COD option is currently not available for Shape theme. Prepaid option is available.

From where do you send items for Shape theme?

We send Shape theme items from Haryana.

How to place order for Shape theme items? How do you deliver ordered items? Is fast service option available?

Order for Shape theme items can be placed on whatsapp. Share design image along with quantity and city. We send items through courier service in most cases. Fast courier service is available for some cities only. Extra charges are there for fast/express shipping as applicable.

What can be other theme options in category Object to which theme Shape belongs to?

Other similar themes for Shape theme can be Aeroplane, Boarding Pass, Camera, Circles, Clock, Commodity, Crown, Cycle, Denim, Fire Ice, Frame, Furniture, Guitar, Household Items, Patakha, Pyramid, Road, Shape, Ship, Signs, Size, Skull, Soap, Stationary, Thing, Tie, Tools, Truck, Tyre, Umbrella .

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