Musical Tambola | Kitty Party Games, Theme Tambola Tickets, PartyStuff

Musical Song Based Tambola Housie Tickets

Tambola housie game based on songs. Intead of numbers, songs are present on housie cards. A perfect game for various occasions like musical night, wedding, anniversary, get-togather etc.

how to play Musical Housie?

A list of songs (the board) come along with tickets/cards. Event organisor can arrange to get the song sing by a host or the DJ play it.



Price of musical tambola housie tickets depend on design, quantity and format. Customisation Charges are additional.

Plain Design - PDF

Designer - PDF

Depends on design, language, quantity. Generally 3/- to 6/- per card.

Plain Design - Printed

Depends on size, language, quantity. Generally 5/- to 10/- per card.

Designer - Printed

Depends on requirement, size, design. Generally 7/- to 15/- per card.

sample design

Check sample design options based on musical theme
Check sample design options for musical tambola

frequently asked questions on Musical Tambola Tickets?

Can we add Numbers along with Song in tickets? Yes, numbers can be added along with songs.
Do you provide Songs Audio? No, audio is not provided.
Do you provide Songs List? Yes, in most cases as a board list. It depends on design and requirement.
Can I provide my own Songs List? Yes, as you can provide you list in typed format.
Can tickets be created in other languages with songs name written in Hindi, Gujarat? Yes, in some languages it can be done. You have share typed list in that font language.
How long Musical Housie game goes on? Though we don't have a definite answer for this. It depends on several factors. Number of guests/audience. How many total songs in game. How the songs are being called like by host or DJ is playing. How long is each song being played. Are there any fillers in between etc.