Tambola Housie Tickets, Free Tambola, Number Generator
Samples 75

Tambola Housie

about tambola

Tambola is a number based game. Though it is very popular game but for some people it's a new game. People generally ask What is Tambola or What is Tambola game? Host/organisor (or a player) picks a number randomly and calls out the Number/CUE one at a time. Players are given cards/tickets with numbers written on them. If the announced number is present on a player's card then player strikes out that Number on their tickets. It is played in Parties, Kitty Party, Clubs, events, at home.
It is a flexible game in terms of number of players, rules and prizes. Number of players can be from 3 to 10 to 100 to 1000 or even more. Rules & prizes can be twisted depending on host and making it more fun. Players play it with 1 or more cards/tickets simultaneously sometimes. While playing with family and friends during night or after dinner people call it a tambola night.
sample tambola ticket
sample tambola ticket
Generate quick tambola tickets at speed tambola ticket generator. Customise it with color, host name, player name, designer background, capture a screenshot, share ticket image/link/code/QR with player, players can view designer ticket online, use code to check ticket online
Online Tambola

basic concept


There are generally 90 numbers in a classic tambola game. 15 numbers are present on each card/ticket. Ticket is grid format of 9x3 i.e. 9 columns and 3 rows. Each row has 5 numbers.

known as

It is also known as Housie/Houzee. It is somewhat similar to Bingo and kukuba with some variations.

how to play tambola

Tamobla/Houzee can be played in different ways depending on target audience. Generally it is played with Numbers being called out and user strike out Numbers on their Tickets. If you are playing it with kids then you can play by this Number method, Picture method etc. A variation known as kukuba increased the scope of the game. For teenagers it could be class quiz format (Students striking Answers to Questions asked related to their Subjects). For Seniors, Under-graduate, Post Graduate Students it could be a Quiz, Event with Multiple Choice Questions type. And at times it could be just formatted with the Theme of your Event. Playing Tambola remains the same but with a Twist and fun..
  • A caller needs to pick a CUE without seeing the box/container containing CUEs
  • A caller generally shakes the box/container containing CUEs before calling next CUE
  • If a number called by CALLER exist on player's Ticket then he has to strike it
  • Once a particular Winning is achieved by a player, he has to claim for it immediately
  • Game ends when a player successfully CLAIMS a FULL HOUSE


Refer these rules or make changes in these rules when you play your Tambola/houzee Game.
  • A caller needs to pick a CUE without seeing the box/container containing CUEs
  • A caller needs to shake the box/container containing CUEs, if asked by a player
  • A player can claim a WINNING only before the next CUE is called out (e.g. Say 50 was called out and a player wins a WINNING on CUE 50. He/she does not claims his/her WINNING before the next CUE is called out. Then he/she can't claim his/her winning)
  • If a player claims that he/she has won a particular WINNING, then CALLER or ORGANISOR needs to check his/her claim by matching his/her Ticket with all the CUEs called out. If it is found that player claimaing a specific WINNING was false, then his/her ticket is BOOGY i.e. this Ticket cannot play further. In such a case, if there are any prizes already Won on this ticket then the player doesn't loses these already won prizes
  • In case of a TIE on a particular CUE for a particular WINNING, either prize can be distributed among all players involved in the TIE or could be given to the player who CLAIMED it first
  • A player can't WIN more than 1 WINNINGS. If a player has already won a WINNING, he can't claim another WINNING, but can play for a FULL House. (Optional)

interesting facts

Tambola is an interesting game and lets see some interesting facts about it

Ever wondered why there are 6 tickets on a page/pad in Hard Copies of Tambola??
  • As we know by now that there are 90 numbers in Tambola Game and each ticket has 15 numbers. So, 6 tickets has 15*6 = 90 numbers. In all these 6 tickets, each number from 1-90 occurs once only so covering all 90 numbers. Therefore, when a CUE is called, it will be present in one and only one ticket from the set of 6 tickets.
  • There are 3 rows and 9 columns in every Tambola Ticket
  • There are total 90 (1-90) numbers in Tambola
  • There are 3 rows and 9 columns in every Tambola Ticket
  • Every ticket has exactly 15 numbers
  • Every row contains 5 numbers
  • A column may have 1, 2 or 3 numbers. There should be at least 1 number in every column
  • A Ticket cannot have same number more than once
  • Column 1 on any ticket has numbers between 1-9
  • Column 2 on any ticket has numbers between 10-19
  • Column 3 on any ticket has numbers between 20-29
  • Column 4 on any ticket has numbers between 30-39
  • Column 5 on any ticket has numbers between 40-49
  • Column 6 on any ticket has numbers between 50-59
  • Column 7 on any ticket has numbers between 60-69
  • Column 8 on any ticket has numbers between 70-79
  • Column 9 on any ticket has numbers between 80-90


Sometimes people ask what are tambola tricks or housie game tricks? As such there are no tricks for the game but players have to be fast in checking and striking out numbers on their respective ticket(s)/card(s).

Tambola Anchor Host

Game is generally conducted by the event host but during a large gathering an expert anchor is usually called. The anchor uses different words and nicknames for numbers and make the Tambola game more interesting. Anchor is generally prepared with a anchoring script.


Classic tambola is played with 90 numbers. Though it is still played mostly in classic way but variations known as kukuba is gaining popularity. Story based tambola is gaining popularity as well. In story based tambola housie game, host reads out a story (generally related to theme or occasion). There are numbers or words hidden in story which players have to identify and strike out. Story based tambola games are theme & occasion based games consisting of words. Tambola tickets are known as cards and slips also.
Tambola Ticket Maker
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Various dividend options for Tambola Housie, these are also called tambola winning patterns or prize criterias. Check interesting dividends for your game.

Number Names

Names, words, phrases, sentences to Speak Out instead of Numbers when calling a Cue. These are known as tambola number calling, housie game calling numbers, housie number calling. It can be used as simple tambola number calling. You can be creative to create your own tambola funny number calling based on your audience or theme. Check interesting number nicknames lingo for your game.


Various ways, variations to play Tambola Housie. Check interesting styles for your game.

Tambola Question Answers

Some frequently asked questions on Tambola game. Various questions have been answered which people generally ask. Host and players have their own respective doubts for playing, organising, claiming and for rules. Check them at tambola FAQs

Tickets Question Answers

Some quick question answers for tambola tickets. Hosts and player have many questions in mind regarding a classic tambola tickets. How it is designed, how many numbers are there. What are various tambola terminology terms. Check them at ticket FAQs

Playing with Printed, App, Online

People used to play tambola game with printed tickets only while being present physically. Now they have multiple options to play the game while present remotely using online portals/apps. They play while connected with text only, voice or video. Earlier it was limited to the people present physically and playing with them only. Now, it can be played with friends n family not present with host.

App playing means host has to arrange tickets as image or links (with some customisation and personalisation options). S/he shares them on messenger apps where players can draw same pattern of numbers on paper, print it or mark numbers on phone. Host then announces number on app, player claim on app only by texting pre-defined words like Wait, Stop, Claim etc. Manual checking of tickets is done by Host and announces winner on app.

Printed playing physically means purchasing tickets from market as printed pad/book or download a PDF and print at home/shop. PDFs are available free or at low costs which gives host option of designer ticket as well for classic tickets. As tambola is played multiple times, these PDFs can be printed as per need. These PDFs can be personalize with Host Name sometimes. Host has the option to take color prints which enhances the look and feel but would be costiler than black & white ones. With PDFs host can use better quality paper for printing as compared to what comes in cheap price tickets.

Online playing of tambola means game is conducted on a website. Host organizes a game online and don't require an app or physical tickets. Host creates a new play game, add players to game or share join link (as manual or auto approval). Players join the game and they can see their tickets. Host defines rules and dividends which players can see on their screen. Host announces a random number which almost instantly is shown on players' screen. No need of typing and sharing called numbers on app, though host can also do so in chat if required. Player strike numbers by tapping them and claim dividends by tapping the Dividend Name. Host gets notification of a claim and can't call next number till a claim is accepted or rejected or bogie. All, players get notification of dividend claim and action on dividend. Players can chat with each other, check which player has won how many prizes, how many numbers strike for a player. Host can also chat with players.

A quick comparison overview between playing with printed tickets, on social apps or online portal.
comparison on Printed App Online
effort low medium medium
price low medium medium
customise no yes yes
personalise no yes yes
reuse tickets no yes no
ticket sharing (less) easy medium medium
ticket sharing (bulk) hard medium medium
unique yes yes yes
bulk availability less more more
ticket checking easy medium easy
remote playing no yes yes
organising (players <30) easy medium medium
organising (players > 50) hard medium medium
ticket look low medium cool

note: we do not organise tambola housie, only resources for family/friends playing