Free Tambola Ticket Generator, Free PDF | Kitty Party Games, Theme Tambola Tickets, PartyStuff
Samples 75

Free Tambola Cards/Tickets Generator

Create free tambola cards and tickets based on numbers, word/theme for your event, club, party. Create designer, colorful, classic cards. Cards are saved for sometime only and may not be available for later use. You can copy existing Saved Cards. Be creative and make your own tambola cards. Custom tambola cards can be created easily. Create and generate tambola cards in PDF format. Here, in tambola card maker it can be used to make tambola cards with the words of your choice.

Tambola Ticket Maker
Hey, I am the Ticket Maker, kukuba. I design free tickets all day and take care that tickets are perfect. I started generating tickets 5270 days back.
I have already generated Tickets today. And would be Generating more tickets for you as well..

Tambola cards can be used for just about any content area, it can used as an educational fun game for a school activity as Quiz where Teachers put up a Question/Hint and players/students strikes answers on the tambola card. Host/teacher calls out the definition and students then identify the word in their respective tambola cards.

Generate quick tambola tickets at speed tambola ticket generator. Customise it with color, host name, player name, designer background, capture a screenshot, share ticket image/link/code/QR with player, players can view designer ticket online, use code to check ticket online
Free Ticket Design Ideas

note: use this for personal/family play only

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