PDF File for Tambola Housie Tickets
Sometimes PDF is required for Tambola Housie Tickets. People requests for PDF file or Soft copy in cases when the time is short for the event.
- Saves Time of Shipping
- Ready to Print Cards
- Generally Available in 1 to 2 Days
- Can be Reused
- Personalised with Full Name, Logo, Design
- Custom design can be done
PDF file availability for tambola designs?
Some tambola housie card designs are available in PDF format.
- Only limited designs are available in PDF format
- PDF file might not be available anymore for a design (it might have been discontinued)
- PDF file available for most of the Musical housie design
- PDF file available for most of the Classic Tambola Housie design
- For some designs Images are available
PDF rules
- Cards in PDF format for A4 page size
- 1 or more cards on a page (depends on design)
- Non-editable file. Open in PDF viewer to print it
- mandatory detail
- full name will come on cards. Generally host person full name/event name. Same name on all cards
- date & city will come on cards
- Our logo/website comes on card
- do check sample file
- for design, text
- by taking print
- payment to be done
- before Order processing
- before Sample processing
- charged extra for Changes after sample confirmation
- check demo sample file for A4 with generic design for size, print
- samples for PDF for A4
Price of PDF cards depends on design, requirement, quantity.
Plain Design - PDF
- 50 Cards: 300/-
- 100 Cards: 400/-
- 150 Cards: 600/-
- 200 Cards: 700/-
- 250 Cards: 800/-
- 300 Cards: 900/-
- 500 Cards: 1350/-
Designer - PDF
Depends on design, language, quantity. Generally 3/- to 6/- per card.
frequently asked questions on Musical Tambola Tickets?
Is PDF file available for all Designs?
No, PDF file is available for limited designs.
Can I share PDF file?
No, sharing is not allowed.
Is PDF file editable?
No, we don't provide editable file.
Can I get PDF file again?
No, we don't store files. It has to be created again. All charges applicable again.
What Soft Copy formats available for Tambola Housie Cards?
PDF format and for some designs image format as single single images.