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Pista Peanuts Points
code: g41Pista Peanuts Points
in Game
tags: Pista, Points
occasions: Lohri, Makar Sankranti, Winter Party
people: Ladies
level: Cost - Low, Playing - Easy, Preparation - Easy
genre: Kitty Game, Party Game
playlist: January Month, Lohri Theme, Makar Sankranti Theme, December Month, Winter Theme
Pick Peanuts with Toothpicks
code: g40This is an interesting game in which the players to pick the peanuts with the help of toothpicks.
in Game
tags: Peanut, Toothpick
occasions: Lohri, Makar Sankranti
people: Ladies
level: Cost - Low, Playing - Moderate, Preparation - Easy
genre: Kids Game, Kitty Game, Party Game
playlist: January Month, Lohri Theme, Makar Sankranti Theme
Transfer Peanuts with Clothespin
code: g39Transfer Peanuts with Clothespin
in Game
tags: Peanut, Clothespin
occasions: Lohri, Makar Sankranti
people: Ladies
level: Cost - Low, Playing - Easy, Preparation - Easy
genre: Kitty Game, Party Game
playlist: January Month, Lohri Theme, Makar Sankranti Theme
Numbers on Peanuts
code: g38Numbers on Peanuts
in Game
tags: Number, Peanut
occasions: Lohri, Makar Sankranti
people: Ladies
level: Cost - Low, Playing - Easy, Preparation - Easy
genre: Kids Game, Kitty Game, Party Game
playlist: January Month, Lohri Theme, Makar Sankranti Theme
Make Kites with Peanuts
code: g37Make Kite shapes with Peanuts
in Game
tags: Kite, Peanut
occasions: Lohri, Makar Sankranti
people: Ladies
level: Cost - Low, Playing - Easy, Preparation - Easy
genre: Kitty Game, Party Game
playlist: January Month, Lohri Theme, Makar Sankranti Theme
Shapes with Matchsticks
code: g36This a suitable game for mathematics or back to school theme kitty party. In this game players have to make shapes in 1 minute.
in Game
tags: Shape, Matchstick, Mathematic
people: Couple, Kids, Ladies
level: Cost - Very Low, Playing - Easy, Preparation - Easy
genre: 1 Minute Game, Kitty Game, Party Game
playlist: Generic Theme
Make the Kites
code: g35Make the Kites
in Game
tags: Kite
occasions: Lohri, Makar Sankranti
people: Kids, Ladies
level: Cost - Low, Playing - Easy, Preparation - Easy
genre: Kitty Game, Party Game
playlist: January Month, Makar Sankranti Theme
Match the Kites
code: g34This is an interesting game in which the players have to match kites.
in Game
tags: Match, Kit, Kite
occasions: Makar Sankranti, Teej
people: Couple, Kids, Ladies
level: Cost - Low, Playing - Easy, Preparation - Moderate
genre: Kitty Game, Party Game, 1 Minute Game
playlist: January Month, Makar Sankranti Theme, Teej Theme
Peanuts and Toffees with Chits
code: g33This is an interesting game and a luck based game. In this game members have to donate their toffees. Players with maximum toffees wins.
in Game
tags: Peanut, Toffee, Chit
occasions: Lohri, Makar Sankranti
people: Kids, Ladies
level: Cost - Low, Playing - Easy, Preparation - Easy
genre: Kitty Game, Party Game
playlist: January Month, Lohri Theme, Makar Sankranti Theme
Make Flowers with Peanuts
code: g32Make Flowers with Peanuts
in Game
tags: Flower, Peanut
occasions: Lohri, Makar Sankranti
people: Ladies
level: Cost - Low, Playing - Easy, Preparation - Easy
genre: Kitty Game, Party Game
playlist: January Month, Lohri Theme, Makar Sankranti Theme, Floral Theme
Pick Matchstick with Clothespin
code: g31This is an interesting game. In this game members have to pick matchsticks with clothespin.
in Game
tags: Matchstick, Clothespin
people: Ladies
level: Cost - Low, Playing - Moderate, Preparation - Easy
genre: 1 Minute Game, Kitty Game, Party Game
playlist: Generic Theme
Manage Coins on Glass
code: g30This is an interesting game and a luck based game. In this game members have to balance the coins on the rim of glass.
in Game
tags: Glass, Coin
people: Couple, Kids, Ladies
level: Cost - Very Low, Playing - Moderate, Preparation - Easy
genre: Kitty Game, Party Game, 1 Minute Game
playlist: Generic Theme
Playing Cards Sum with Dice
code: g29This is an interesting game and a luck based game. In this game members have to roll a dice and place that numbers of cards in the glass. Members with maximum scores wins.
in Game
tags: Playing Cards, Dice
occasions: Diwali
people: Couple, Gents, Ladies
level: Cost - Low, Playing - Easy, Preparation - Easy
genre: Kitty Game, Party Game
playlist: November Month, Diwali Theme, Casino Theme
Paste Bindi on Glass Rim
code: g28This is an interesting game and a luck based game. In this game members have to paste bindi on the glass rims. The one to put maximum numbers of Bindi's win.
in Game
tags: 1 Minute Game, Make Up, Bindi
occasions: Teej, Karwachauth
people: Ladies
level: Cost - Low, Playing - Easy, Preparation - Easy
genre: Kitty Game, Party Game
playlist: Teej Theme, Karwachauth Theme
Pick Coins with Spoon
code: g27This is an interesting game which can be played in paisa hi paisa theme kitty party game or any other kitty party game. In this game members have to pick coins with the help of spoon.
in Game
tags: Coin, money, Spoon
occasions: Diwali, Demonetisation
people: Couple, Gents, Kids, Ladies
level: Cost - Low, Playing - Moderate, Preparation - Easy
genre: Kitty Game, Party Game, 1 Minute Game
playlist: November Month, Money Theme
Pick the Coins
code: g13Pick the Coins
in Game
tags: Coin
occasions: Demonetisation, Diwali
people: Ladies
level: Cost - Low, Playing - Easy, Preparation - Easy
genre: Kitty Game, Party Game
playlist: November Month, Money Theme
Bangles & Coins
code: g12Bangles & Coins
in Game
tags: Bangle, Coin
occasions: Teej, Karwachauth
people: Ladies
level: Cost - Low, Playing - Moderate, Preparation - Easy
genre: Kitty Game, Party Game
playlist: Teej Theme, Karwachauth Theme, Money Theme
Dice & Nail Paint
code: g11Dice & Nail Paint
in Game
tags: Dice, Nail, Nail Paint, Make Up
occasions: Teej, Karwachauth
people: Ladies
level: Cost - Low, Playing - Easy, Preparation - Easy
genre: Kitty Game, Party Game
playlist: Teej Theme, Karwachauth Theme, Fashion Theme
Numbers & Candies
code: g10Numbers & Candies
in Game
tags: Number, Candy
occasions: Kids Party
people: Kids, Ladies
level: Cost - Low, Playing - Easy, Preparation - Easy
genre: Kids Game, Kitty Game, Party Game
playlist: Candy Theme
Coins & Dice Round Prize Money
code: g9Coins & Dice Round Prize Money
in Game
tags: Coin, Dice
occasions: Demonetisation
people: Couple, Ladies
level: Cost - Low, Playing - Easy, Preparation - Easy
genre: Get Together Game, Kitty Game, Party Game
playlist: Money Theme, November Month