How to Play taG-yaB
taG-yaB game would be coming in many formats. Currently Classic, Lines & Blanks is available which are a fun way to make party/event more interesting.
Classic taG-yaB
Only numbers are present. Connect corner numbers, any 2 numbers.
Rules: Distribute taG-yaB Cards and Pens. Players have to mark boundary for a number which has been called and is present on card. Travel through this connected boundary to other numbers and play the game.

Lines taG-yaB
Numbers & Lines are present. Connect corner numbers, any 2 numbers. Go (green) & Ban (red) lines are present.
Rules: Distribute taG-yaB Cards and Pens. Players have to mark boundary for a number which has been called and is present on card. Travel through this connected boundary to other numbers and play the game. Red lines cannot be travelled through. Green lines are already marked bounday and can be used for connection.

Zones taG-yaB
Numbers & Zones are present. Connect corner numbers, any 2 numbers. Special cells known as Zones are present. These can be used as dividends.
Rules: Distribute taG-yaB Cards and Pens. Players have to mark boundary for a number which has been called and is present on card. Travel through this connected boundary to other numbers and play the game.

Blanks taG-yaB
Numbers & Blanks are present. Some cells doesn't have any number. Connect corner numbers, any 2 numbers.
Rules: Distribute taG-yaB Cards and Pens. Players have to mark boundary for a number which has been called and is present on card. Travel through this connected boundary to other numbers and play the game.