Product Class | Kitty Party Games, Theme Tambola Tickets, PartyStuff

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Short forms are given, full forms are to be written. E.g. LOL - Laugh Out Loud These are generally theme based terms. Player who is fastest with most correct answers is the winner.
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Do some action based on card criteria.
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Do an activity and get points. Based on instructions on cards, players have to do activity, perform some action. As per the set rules points are given per activity. Player with most points win.
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Words, sentences are given based on theme generally. Players have to count occurrence of each alphabet.
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Alphabet Garland are designs with alphabets written on them (generally triangle in shape).
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Kukuba 26 (or Chhabbis) based on alphabets instead of numbers. There are 26 alphabets and therefore the name. It is played in simple way where organisor calls an alphabet instead of number. There would be total of 26 numbers (i.e. alphabets) instead of 90 and cards will have 9 instead of 15 numbers. There are 5 columns and 3 rows with each row having 3 numbers. There could be various ways to play this Announce an alphabet like A for Apple and B for Ball Take names of people playing it Choose names as per the theme
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For each Alphabet from A to Z, player has to write/provide numbers from 1 to 26 to each alphabet randomly. Sheets are exchanged after players write the numbers. Host tells the message secret. Players write the secret message in space provided. Players check sheets and provides numbers for each alphabet based on what numbers has given by Player A. A total of number is done. Player with maximum (and minimum) total number wins. Other prizes could be included based on certain magic number. e.g. Player A has given 2 to A, 8 to B, 5 to C and so on. Player B checks Player A's sheet. Secret Message is Magic. Player B writes 2 for A, 5 for C, and similarly for M, G, I based on what Player A has written for those alphabets. A total is done.
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Alphabets are present in sequence from A to Z (generally). Players have to write names for each alphabet related to rules and theme decided by host. It could be animals, human names, items related to theme, celebrity names etc. Game is popular among kids and kitty party. In kitty party theme based names are written by guests. The word race winner is (generally) a player who is fastest to write all words correctly.
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A number based game similar to tambola housie. 26 numbers are present on card along with an alphabet. Each alphabet is present only once. Some words are given on right. These are theme based words. Host call numbers randomly. If a number is present on a player's card then player strikes corresponding alphabet from the words provided. Prizes could be striking all alphabets of a word, all words, all vowels, all consonants etc.
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Cards for announcing news, events. Generally used for baby announcement, event date booking announcement, save the date announcement.
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Answer with Yes or No. It could be questions related to a theme, person or general questions
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Tags for School Bags, Luggage.
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Printed Banners Paper, Flex for decoration.
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A short number game with generally 9 numbers in 9 colorful circles/slots. 1 slot is the blacklisted slot. 1 number is present in 1 slot. Host announces the numbers randomly and players strike on their respective card. If a blacklisted slot is striked out then player is out of the game. This game can be played in combination with other games or as punctuality game.
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Like a word search game, names have to be found. In block word search, blocks are present like a Sudoku game. There could be 1 or more words in a block based on word chain search. All words have to be found and marked. These could be theme based game.
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In this game only 1 card (generally 1, a board with 90 numbers) will be circulated within members/players. Host will speak numbers randomly and the player having the sheet currently will cut that number from the sheet and pass the sheet to the next player. So on and forth the game will proceed. Numbers would be grouped based on defined groups which could be colour, shape etc. Dividends will be based on these groups. When all numbers of a group are striked out then the current player striking the number wins. Likewise for other grourps. Other dividends can be the special cells/numbers with unique identification like circles or with some text underneath them. When such special numbers are cut across a row then the player who cut the last special number of such row will be the winner. Sometimes this can be played with multiple cards (3 to 5) with different pattern of groups across cards because with a single card rest of the players may get bored.
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Bookmarks for kids notebook, books and other uses
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Puzzles and other brain tickling questions. Could be mathematics, logic, interpretation, riddles.
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Train the Brain use logic to claim the dividends. Dividends are not so easy to claim. There would be logic, pattern, constraints. Follow them and win.
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These are used with a small stick to be put on a cake, cup cake or some other food item. Can be used for decorating other stuff.
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Do a calculation based on value of an item. Do addition, subtraction and other mathematical operations. It could be based on some logic.
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Numbers have to be calculated (based on logic) and filled.
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Game is based on logic. Make calculations based on logic and give answers. A fun way to enjoy event.
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Cards are in form of a month calendar. Each player gets a different month card. If players are less than 12 yearly calendar cards can be used. When players are more than 12, then either host can go for future months or can have cards which are not accurate as per date, day, month, year combination. This can be played as punctuality or tambola for new year, anniversary, wedding etc. Key thing to note in this game is that there are only 7 different days, so in case of more than 7 cards, cards would be same/similar with respect to numbers for a day (when dividends are based on day name like Sunday, Monday etc.). To have additional dividends color coding can be used for different dates.
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Different numbers (generally 30) are present multiple times on each card in 9x9 grid (generally). Items (as images or words) are present at various grid locations instead of numbers. When a number is called out, all occurrences of that number should be striked out. Aim is to strike all numbers around an item to capture that item. Dividends could be: Capturing Individual Items, Capturing all items (full house), Early 3 Items, Capturing all same items, Left side of all Items, Right Side of all Items, Capturing all non-border items
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Props for party, selfie.
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Cashback Coupons to be given along with a purchase, product.
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Product cataloging file.
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Decorate your party tables with these centerpieces. They come in a pack of 2 (generally) and stand on their own like tent cards. A perfect alternative to average floral and candle centerpieces, these stunning Centerpieces are sure to impress. But yes you can always add candles and flowers to enhance them.
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Character cards usually has related image, text lines or description with respect to personality of a person.
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Questions, clues are given along with list of all answers for questions. Choose answer for a question from the given list of answers. Quiz questions can vary depending on theme. Some quiz includes tricky questions. Winner is the player who is fastest to write all answers correctly.
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There are Tambola Tickets having no background with classic look, designer background.
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Based on given clues, answer has to be provided. Single or multiple clue/hints could be mentioned.
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Multiple coloured circles are present with item term an item category on left. Players have to guess, think and write 1 item for each of the coloured circle for that item category. Say category is Fruit and colours are Green, Yellow, Red. So, answers could be Grapes, Mango, Apple.
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Combination of two or more kukuba. Generally it is combination of classic grid with other type of kukuba.
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Words are present and are associated with a number. Dividends are combination of words. Player has to strike multiple words as epr the dividend combo. A dividend iw completed when all words associated to it have been strike out.
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Connect similar boxes, items, figures with lines without overlapping these lines.
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Count calculation is slightly different from Count Items or Count game. In this not only counting of items is done but some calculation is required. There could be some different ways for this game. Multiple items can be placed in different zones, shapes. Calculation of items can be done based on following rule: Calculate Item 1 in Zone A + Zone B - Zone c. Another example could be Calculate Item 1 + Item 2 in Zone A - Zone B. Another type of game could be where Zones are overlapping. Here, union and intersection can be done. Like Count Item 1 in Zone A Union Zone B which means if Item is coming in overlapping area of Zone A and Zone B then it has to be counted 1 time only.
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Count number of different items given on card. It could be simple counting or based on criteria or count shown images. In simple counting players have to count number of occurrences of different items. In based on criteria host will ask how many blue colored items, how many items above blue line, how many in pink zone etc. In count shown images, many items are present randomly. Some items are shown for which counting has to be done by players. For each such item occurrence may be zero times or more. First player to correctly tell occurrence of all of these items win.
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Count number of each alphabet, numeral in the given list. List could be words, sentences or a story. There could be some rules for counting like count only vowels, alphabet has to be counted once only in a word if it is occurring multiple times, alphabet won't be counted for a word if it is occurring multiple times.
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It is similar to word search but little bit more difficult and interesting. It is also similar to Word Chain Search with slight difference. There are different words in Word Chain Search but in Count Word Chain Search there is generally one word which has to be searched for all occurrences and counted. In word search, words are present as vertical, horizontal, diagonal. It could be in forward or reverse direction. There is one direction only. But in word chain search words are not present in one direction. Each alphabet/letter of word is present adjacent to previous alphabet/letter of word. Adjacent could be on top, left, bottom, right but not diagonal. e.g. Word is GAME. A chain is formed where first letter (G) is placed in a cell. Next alphabet (A) is placed on bottom of (G). Next alphabet (M) is adjacent right to (A) which is previous alphabet of word. (E) is placed below to previous alphabet (M).
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Like in word search different words have to be searched which could be horizontal, vertical, diagonal in straight as well as reverse direction. Here, same word (generally) has to be searched. Same word would be present multiple times. How many times that word is present has to be counted along with where it is present has to be marked. Generally there is only 1 word. But game could include more than 1 words to be searched.
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Coupon numbers for fare, event, entry.
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List of items such as names, answers, sentences (with or without images) are present on one side. Answers to them are provided on other side in jumbled/shuffled format. Players have to identify correct combination. Player with most correct combination wins. This could be time based game or first person to complete correctly wins. This game can be played by matching left to right or right to left.
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A cross-word is given with words filled in. Each Cross-word box has an alphabet and a number. Numbers are called like normal tambola housie and player has to strike it. Complete words by striking numbers. Dividend options are each word, all vertical lines, all horizontal lines, all vowels, all consonants, First & Last of each Horizontal Line, First & Last of each Vertical Line, early five, full house
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Clues and hints are provided for answers that have to be written across and down. Separate clues for across and down are provided. Players have to identify related words that fits into puzzle. There could be more than one answer for a clue but the best fit in the puzzle have to be used.
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Theme based printed Crown
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Numbers (0-9) are assigned to terms (generally theme based terms). Combination of Terms (or single term) are announced. Players have to make number from the announced term(s) and strike out on their cards. E.g. different colours are given numbers. Red-1, Blue-2, Green-3 and so on. Host announces Red-Blue, this means number formed from these terms is 12. Players have to strike 12 on their cards if it is present.
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Words or sentences or some messages are encoded. Encoded key may or may not be provided. Players have to decode words, sentences or messages correctly. Player who decodes correctly and is fastest is the winner. Multiple crypto encoding can be done. Like shifting one alphabet, reverse word, jumble. Games can be created based on single crypto or mix of multiple crypto.
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Multiple grid boxes are present (generally 4) at 4 corners and 1 center grid. Corner grids are 3x3 grids and center grid as 4x4 (generally). 5 Numbers are present in each of the 4 corners grids in X fashion. Center grid is empty. Host calls out a number. If this number is present on corner cells of a player's card then player strike it off and write it in any of the empty border cell of center grid. If it is present on middle cell of corner grids then player strike it off and write it in any of the empty middle cells of center grid. Prizes are based on completion of center grid. There are 4 rows, 4 columns, outer ring, center/middle 4 cells. Prizes can also be included based on corner grids.
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Number, image, text, word based CUEs for tambola numbers.
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Cupcake Wrappers for the little cup cakes to put into.
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Customisation and Personalisation to tickets are done.
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One or more cards have some specific numbers as desired by host. Players having all such (or most such numbers) wins a special dividend. These numbers are generally a triplet like a date e.g. 25/09/2016 can be divided into 3 numbers 9, 16 and 25. This date could be birth date, anniversary, party date, wedding date etc. Instead of date numbers, 3 or more numbers can be put.
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Items like Ballons, Wall Poster, Cake Top Ups
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Cards with detail like personal details, medicine chart.
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Perform an activity, taken action, do something based on Dice Roll.
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Role a dice and start the journey of English and Mathematics. Starting from alphabet A roll a dice and move that much alphabets ahead based on number on dice and write the Alphabet. By rolling dice repeatedly reach to alphabet Z. Calculate based on logic given at the end of each line. Calculate number of alphabets in each line/row and apply logic. If number of alphabets filled in line 1 is 3 then score based on logic could be 3+1. Sum up scores of each line. Person with highest and lowest score wins.
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Played similar like tambola/kukuba with a twist. When a group is completed, player has to roll a dice once to claim the prize. Around each group there is a set of numbers present (generally 2). If number which comes on the dice is one from the adjacent magic numbers only then player can claim the prize, otherwise game continues (dividend is still open) and gives a chance to next player for that group.
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Role a dice and start the journey. Generally used for punctuality games played one by one. There are some key items present along with blank spaces connected in a chain. Points are associated with key items. These could e theme related words. Starting from the start point, player/guest rolls a dice and hosts keeps a coin/toffee/item only when player lands on a key item (after moving forward as the number shown on dice). If player lands on blank item then nothing is placed and game continues. Game continues for the player till she reaches the end of chain. Points are added for the all the Key Items where player has landed. Person with maximum and minimum points win.
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Role a dice and start the journey. Generally used for punctuality games played one by one. Player/guest rolls a dice and hosts keeps a toffee/item after moving forward as the number shown on dice. Based on game rules one of the toffee/item is placed or picked. Winner is generally person with most toffees/items.
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Use dice to move further and do as per the mentioned instructions/steps.
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Control the dividends of the game. Based on concept of presetting the winning logic. Controlling on which number a row will happen and when it will happen. Controlling the full house.
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List of dividends, prizes for tambola games, theme based games, paper games and other activities.
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It has double the numbers i.e. 30 to give more options to strike numbers and player doesn’t have to wait for long. There are 2 numbers in each cell Upper/Lower e.g. 5/8. Upper one is 5 and lower one is 8 here. All 30 numbers are unique on the card. While playing, an upper/lower number or both can be striked. To win a combination like rows, full kukuba (or full house) or corners only 1 number from each cell is required to be striked out. Each cell has 2 numbers present. It means playing 2 tickets in 1 ticket. It can be played as 2 tickets individually or both together. Dividends can be any 5 five numbers of a row.
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Draw something based on logic or the given instructions. e.g. Draw hands of clock based on time given or it could be some logic to first calculate and the time and then draw it.
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Double classic tickets are present on one card. It can be played as two games or single game. In a single game, 2 tickets can be considered as one ticket, two tickets or mix. In case of mix tickets some dividends would be based on combination of both tickets.
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One random number is replaced by other number which is already present in ticket. After replacement this number is present twice i.e. duplicate. When this number is called Player strikes both the numbers.
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Theme based Eye Mask. It is DIY, CIY i.e. Do It yourself, Cut It Yourself.
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This is a dual game. 1 to 90 numbers are present randomly in a grid. A classic kukuba (or other format of kukuba) card is also present with numbers. Players are given cards. In 1st game players have to strike all numbers from grid which are present as cues in ticket. First player to strike all such numbers correctly wins. This can be used as a punctuality game also. In 2nd game players play normal kukuba.
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Favor Flags to be put on sticks, toothpick, straws. Can be used as a decoration, some text, guest name.
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Sentences are given and blanks are given. Players have to fill blanks. This can be created for many themes. Blanks could be provided in between or at end of the sentence. Player to finish first with correct answers could be the winner or it could be based on time.
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Numbers have to be filled by player on his/her card. Numbers could be filled randomly or based on logic or as per game requirement. This makes game more interesting as it increases the participation time of players. Host/other players should check if the numbers have been filled by all players. Host can add a twist of exchanging the card with other player after players have filled their respective card.
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Find Guest based on clues
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Multiple items (images) are present on a card. Players have to search, match, identify and count missing items. Along with missing items players may have to identify present items also.
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Find missing number from set of numbers. It could be simple number finding based on missing number in sequence. It could be based on some logic also.
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Based on given clues, hints or directions find people present in party.
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Theme based Forehead Band
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Tags for Gift Items. To be pasted/attached on Gift Wrap.
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Greeting Card, Thankyou, Welcome card Envelopes for parties based on theme. These are generally theme based designer cards.
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Greeting Card, Thankyou, Welcome card message for parties based on theme.
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It is combination of classic grid and crossword kukuba. A 2 in 1 game where players can play 2 games from 1 card. Host can organise both one after other or the second game after some other activity. A crossword grid is given with words filled in. Each Cross-word box has an alphabet and a number. Numbers are called like normal tambola housie and player has to strike it. Complete words by striking numbers. Dividend options are each word, all vertical lines, all horizontal lines, all vowels, all consonants, First & Last of each Horizontal Line, First & Last of each Vertical Line, early five, full house
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It is combination of classic grid and group number kukuba. A 2 in 1 game where players can play 2 games from 1 card. Host can organise both one after other or the second game after some other activity. Different from Classic Tambola in many ways. These are generally colorful cards based on a theme. Instead of lines there is a concept of Groups. Numbers are provided in groups and a group name is given. To claim prizes player has to call out Group Name. Various Prizes/Dividends could be Individual Groups (like 3 lines), Full House, 1 number from each Group, Early 5, Combination of 2 group.
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It is combination of classic grid and number alphabet kukuba. A 2 in 1 game where players can play 2 games from 1 card. Host can organise both one after other or the second game after some other activity. A unique number is associated with an alphabet. Alphabet are generally theme based words on a tag line. Player has to strike alphabets corresponding to the called number. Dividends could be individual words, consonants, vowels, first and last alphabet of each word.
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Combination of group numbers and grid.
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Guess answer based on given clues and hints. It could be some item, date, surprise etc. Similar games are played in occassions like baby shower as Guess baby's arrival date.
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Resources, documents for knowledge, tutorial, explanation.
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Small size photos related to the theme are hanged using a string either horizontally of vertically. Can also be used to put on a big paper or canvas.
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6 classic tickets are present on one card. It can be played as two (or more) games or 1 single game. In a single game, 6 tickets are played simultaneously. In case of mix tickets some dividends would be based on combination of both tickets.
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Alphabets of a name are present in blank cells of classic ticket. A blank cell has 1 alphabet. Some cells could still be blank. These alphabets constitutes the name (host name, company name, event name or some date). Alphabets are present in sequence or randomly. Dividend includes adjacent numbers to these alphabets. Players have to strike and complete alphabets.
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Identify words from a sequence of words and form sentences. Sometimes sentences are present in jumbled form and have to be unjumble to create a meaningful story. An example couple be - A long time ago there was a farmer. This would be written as alongtimeagotherewasafarmer It could get tricky some time when while splitting a made there are more than one word coming up.
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Identity cards
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Alphabets are associated with images. One alphabet with one image. Images would be shown, identify and write alphabet based on image. Decode the resulting alphabets as words or sentence,
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Bingo format Cards with Images. These are 5x5 grid format in classic sense based on 75 cues. Variation can include 25 or 90 cues, with or without free space. Sometimes other grid sizes like 4x4 is also used for a quicker game. A board with images is used to announce cue.
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Images in Bingo format are presnt in boxes. These are 5x5 grid format in classic sense based on 75 cues. Variation can include 25 or 90 cues, with or without free space. Sometimes other grid sizes like 4x4 is also used for a quicker game. A board with images is used to announce cue.
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Tambola Board grid based on Images.
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Classic housie has numbers present on it which has to be striked. Image tambola has Images instead of numbers. Players have to strike out image/name. These cards have a colorful designer background.
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Images in Bingo format are present in group format. These are 5x5 grid format in classic sense based on 75 cues. Variation can include 25 or 90 cues, with or without free space. Sometimes other grid sizes like 4x4 is also used for a quicker game. A board with images is used to announce cue.
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Tambola Board group based on Images.
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Classic housie has numbers present on it which has to be striked. Image tambola has image, photo instead of numbers (sometimes along with term, name). On card image is present along with number but it has to be played by calling word, name, song, movie name, image name, by showing image. Players have to strike out image on cards. Another variant could be quiz based. In normal housie a number is called and same number is striked on cards. In Quiz Housie a questions is put and answer has to be striked out. e.g. A brand tagline is called brand logo image has to be guessed which is present on cards and striked. An Image is shown, player has to strike image on cards.
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A quiz based on images. Image has to be identified based on given image or clue. e.g. guess actor based on image shown. It could be theme based like monuments, celebrity, road signs etc. Player who is fastest with most correct answer wins.
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Information labels
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Host reads instructions from the card provided. Participants/players/guests do as per the instructions read by host. There could be multiple types of games based on instructions. It could be sit stand game where people sit and stand as per the instructions. It could be passing the parcel in right left game. Many more variations could also be created.
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Theme based Invitation cards as printed or digital for whatsapp. Birthday, kitty party invitation cards.
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Theme based Invitation cards with Envelopes as printed. Birthday, kids, kitty party invitation cards.
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Numbers are present on card in 2 formats. One as classic format and other one as distributed format between 1-30, 31-60, 61-90. Numbers in 2nd format i.e. distributed are present/or has to be written in such a way that they are not same to any of the numbers present in classic format ticket. Irony here is that when hosts call a number and if it is not present in classic format then it might be present in distributed format. Chances of winning are more.
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Props are used in parties for selfies. These could in rectangle shape with design print on the sheet or cut-out. They may or may not come with a stick. These can be DIY (Do it Yourself) OR CIY (Cut it Yourself) types if cutting or some further work is required on these based on shape.
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Jigsaw puzzle game cards.
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Terms/Sentences are present in a set in an jumbled order. Unjumble them to win.
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Kukuba Minimum is based on the smallest number on your card. This would be present in the first column of card and will be between 1-9. Take the smallest number from this column and this number is called kenu. Kenu plays the role in this format of kukuba. Here, Kenu is present in A1 and it is 1. Kenu will be different for players and same for some. For 9, numbers 80-90 are applicable. There could be various ways in which kenu can be used. Ignore: Ignore the numbers starting with the Kenu. Each player will ignore all the numbers starting with this Kenu. In this card, 12 and 18 can be ignored. Strike: When a number is announced and it happens to be a Kenu for a player then he can strike all the numbers starting with this Kenu number as well along with Kenu. Here, 12 and 18 can be striked as well along with 1. Further, either of the 2 rules can be applier here. A general rules is that player can claim a winning whatever he is winning now after striking the kenu and related numbers. In another rules can numbers can only be striked but prize cannot be claimed. E.g. when 1 is announced 12 and 18 can be striked and if player is winning something lets say he is winning on row 2 completing with 12 then he may not claim a prize at this time but when actual 12 is called then he can claim. Recommended rule is that if player is winning a house then he should not claim a win at this time but when either 12 or 18 i.e. any of these is called. To give an example in detail, let us say: 1st case: if only 1, 12 and 18 are left. If 1 is called, player can strike 1, 12 and 18 i.e. all three. But now cannot claim the full house. As soon as 12 or 18 is called at any time then he can claim full house. He need not wait for both 12 and 18 to be called, any one number will do. Case 2: If 1, 12 and 24 are left and 1 is called out, then player can strike 1 and 12 both. And as soon as when 24 is called he can claim full house as 12 is already striked out. Taking case 3: say 1, 12, 18 and 24 are left. If 1 is called, player can strike 1, 12 and 18. Then when 24 is called, then he can strike out 24 and claim a house at this time as 12 and 18 have been striked out already. The rule is simple, you can considered the numbers as striked but cannot claim at that moment but later.
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Labels for kitchen items, spices, jars.
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Answer the questions related to a person or object about the knowledge the player is having about that person or object. A good game for couple party, school activity.
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A number based game where connecting numbers have to be striked.
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Link word or words using common word e.g. 2 words are given book and sheet. Common word could be Mark i.e. Book Mark and Mark Sheet. A game for kids and kitty party. Player with fastest and most correct answers is the winner.
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Numbers, terms are associated with an item/image. This association with 1 kind of item/image makes a dividend group. Player has to complete this association of linked items for winning. Dividends can be individual linked group, combination of groups, 1 number from each linked group.
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Phrases/ sentences/ multiple groups of words are present. Words are associated with multiple numbers. A word is completed when all numbers associated to it have been strike out. Combination of words which constitute a phrase, sentence etc. are required to be striked out for a win.
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Host has to write List of items based on theme or as per playing sheet. Players also write list of items on their respective cards based on same requirement. Player whose list items matches most with the list of host wins. This could be played based on time i.e. 1 minute extra then the time taken by host.
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kukuba grid based on some logic.
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Scratch card or pull out strip or remove tape to check hidden message or code. Lucky one wins. It could be hidden message or secret code. In hidden messages, some messages would be sorry and some (generally 1) would be a lucky message. Person with lucky message winds. Same can be modified by replacing hidden messages with secret codes. Secret code list can be referred with host to check who is/are lucky. It could be played as punctuality game as well.
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A type of quiz, brain teaser. Mark answer as yes/no or right/wrong based on question, logic. Questions could be based on theme, general knowledge. Funny questions for guest entertainment.
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Various Items/Images are present 0 or more times on a card. These are present randomly. It is played in multiple rounds. Host announces pair, triplet or more items along with count of each item in each round. Players having same number of each item in that round gets a point. Player(s) having maximum point wins. e.g. there are total 10 items. Host will have a pre-defined list or one can be created by host (for multiple games), Let say item names are A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I & J. In 1st round Host announces 2B+3F. Now players have to count B's and F's on their cards. If any player has exactly 2 B's and 3 F's then he/she gets some points say 3 (1 or more). If only one is found as exact match i.e. 2 B's then player gets 1 point. If both items are more than or equal to then that of host i.e. 4 B's and 3 F's then 2 points This is done for very round.
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Identical or Similar matching has to be done. There would be two sets. First set would be image or text having multiple images/text blocks as a board. Second set would be cutout of blocks of image/text. Blocks from second set has to be matched with first set and placed on first set. In case of same images, same image from set 2 has to be placed on set 1. In case of text, matching/related text block has to be placed on image on set 1.
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All Items are present 1 or more times. Generally 2 times each (may vary). A sequence number is given to every item present. Sequence numbers of matching items have to be written. Example: There are say 40 different items. Each item is present 2 times making it 80 items. These items are jumbled. Numbering of items is done from 1 to 80. Now, assume that item at Sequence Number 1 is matching with item at Sequence Number 23. So, answer would be 1,23.
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A maze is given. Players have to find way from one side of the maze to other side. Person whose finds the maze path first is the winner.
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Recall the items/numbers/colours. A board/card having item names or images or numbers or colours is shown to players for a specified time generally 1 minute. Players can memorize the board layout and items/names/colours/images/numbers. After board is shown to players, host gives answer sheets to players. Players have to provide answers based on questions in answer sheet. Some questions are like what all items you can recall. It could be based on area, colour etc. For number/colour based player has to say all numbers/colour he/she remembers. Winner will be the person with most correct answers. Host can also organise this game by asking how many items based on a particular criteria. First player to give correct answer wins. This is generally theme based.
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Message cards is an activity that can be used for different purposes. Guests can be asked to write messages as per theme. Some instructions according to theme. It could be well-wish messages. These cards could be collected by host. Collected cards could be read by host, by writer or some other guest. In case of birthday these could be messages/instructions which can be kept by host and given to intended person like birthday boy/girl one each on his/her next birthdays.
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Cards to capture various milestones of life for baby, pregnancy, couples etc.
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Kukuba Mines is based on good and bad (mines) numbers. Total 21 numbers are present with 15 Good Numbers and 6 Bad Numbers (Mines). Numbers have to be striked like a classic game. When any Good Number is striked 1 point is won and when any bad number (mine) is striked 1 point is lost. One has to take the total of Points from Good and Bad Numbers to win. To win a line one has to collect 4 points in total. If 4 good numbers are cut and 1 bad number is cut then points for 1st line is 4-1=3. To win you should have 4 points in total. These 4 points can be earned by only striking 4 Good Numbers or 5 Good Numbers and 1 Bad Number. Similarly, other dividends can be kept. Basic concept is points have to be collected based on Good and Bad Numbers. Mines plays the role in this format of kukuba. Here, mines are present in A3, B1 etc. Mines will be different for different cards. There could be various ways in which Mines can be used. Ignore: Ignore the blank cells. Strike: When a number is announced and it happens to be a Mine then 1 point has to be subtracted from total points. If it is a Good Number then 1 point has to be added. Recommended mines in a card is 6. One can have more or less mines also as per the game requirement.
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Other form of Word Jumble. Words are jumbled and mixed. They are written in different font sizes but not in a linear word format. Letters of word are separated. 1 letter is written in centre, next on top, other one on left side and so on. Word has to be identified from this mixup pattern.
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Kukuba Mix is an ultimate entertainer with totally new concept. It divides ticket into 3 sections (generally) and can be more (upto 9) or less depending on organisor. Kukuba Classic can be said as a subset of this game with 1 section. This format is related to theme where cards are divided into sections depending on theme requirement. In this, instead of rows we go about columns. For Kukuba Mix 29-30-31 i.e. Kukuba Mix with 3 sections card is divided into 3 sections 1st, 2nd and 3rd. Section 1 is 1st three columns of card, section 2 is column 4 to column 6 and section 3 is column 7 to column 9. Now, each of these sections have names based on different categories. Like for a kid birthday theme, 3 sections could be 1:What birthday kid eat (around 30 items), 2: Names of cartoon characters (around 30 names), 3:Names of guest (around 30 names). Like we play 1st, 2nd and 3rd row, here we play 1st section (eatables), 2nd section (cartoon), 3rd category (guests). On completion of each section, player shouts the name of section like eatble, cartoon or guest. Kukuba Mix with 3 sections is known as Kukuba Mix 29-30-31 as section 1 has 29 numbers from 1-29 numbers, section 2 has 30 numbers from 30-59 and section 3 has 31 numbers from 60-90. One thing to note here is that while each row have 5 numbers, each section may not have 5 numbers. It will have atleast 3 numbers. And this makes it interesting as in Classic format we wait for that 1 last number which always remain in each row, the 5th number. There could be various ways to play this having 3 sections as columns only having both sections and rows having 9 sections i.e. 1 column for each section. Each column will have a different set of names
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It is played based on mobile number of player. Player has to write his/her mobile number on space provided on card. Host randomly announces numbers and player has to strike numbers. If a number is present multiple times then only 1 occurrence can be strike by a player based on rules set by host. Host has to announce already called numbers as mobile number has same multiple digits. This is less taking game and can be played as punctuality game or a filler game.
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Accurate and Quick Typing on mobile phone and sending it to a particular number using SMS, Messenger, Chat apps. An image or document is given where text, smileys, emojis are written. Same has to be typed in mobile app and send.
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Money card Envelopes for parties, kitty party based on theme. These are theme based designer cards along with a small envelope. It may or may not have the small envelope for putting gift money.
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Money Envelopes for parties, kitty party based on theme. These are theme based designer envelopes. These would be DIY/CIY i.e. Do It Yourself/Cut It Yourself.
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Tambola cards with multiple background designs.
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Cards with multiple grids.
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In classic Tambola, one number is called at a time. In multi tambola, multiple numbers are called at a time as a group. Group can have 2 or 3 numbers generally. Group is given a name like a word, song etc. That word, song is called along with the numbers in that group. This makes game moves faster. Multi prizes for a group may happen.
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Similar to designer tambola with some twists. Group names which remain same in designer tambola (acts as prize) are random in this format. E.g. In designer tambola there are say 4 groups on each card having 4 numbers each. Group Names are A, B, C, D. In multi prize, there would be 4 Groups on a card but their name would be randomly taken from more than 4 names say 8 names A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H. Four group names will be taken A, C, H, F from these 8 names and assigned to group names on a card. In this some player will won prize for completing group A, some group B upto group G. So, it makes total prizes for groups equal to 8 instead of 4 in designer tambola. Another twist is in winning Full House. Say Card 1 has groups A, B, C, D. Card 2 has groups C, D, E, F, and Card 3 has groups E, F, G, H. Group C, D have been completed and won by Card 1. Group E, F has been completed and won by Card 3. But Card 2 has not won these groups yet but it has been announced that Groups C, D, E, F have been completed so Card 2 can announce a Magical House Win as group names mentioned on his/her card have been won.
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Different numbers (generally 30) are present multiple times on each card in 9x9 grid (generally). When a number is called out, all occurrences of that number should be striked out. Dividends could be vertical columns, horizontal rows, same row-column i.e. 3rd & 3rd column, full house, big X i.e. criss-cross, alphabets like A B or C
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Classic housie has numbers present on it which has to be striked. Musical tambola housie has songs instead of numbers (sometimes along with image). On card/ticket songss (generally 3 to 5 words of a song) are present. Numbers are optional. It has to be played by randomly selecting a song and playing it (DJ can play song, host can sing song). Other ways could be to give some hint and players have identify and strike song name on cards. Musical housie is generally longer than number based housie so it can be based on lesser number of songs as compared to 90. Songs housie could be based on even 30 songs. Other options could be 40, 50, 60, 7, 80, 90 songs. 50, 60 songs are good for musical tambola housie.
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Popular for murder mystery, other mysteries are also part of this. Mysteries can assigned to team of individuals or generally groups of 3 or more members.
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It is also called Kukuba Nakku. It has one of the number as blank (shown by __ ) such that a card has 14 numbers and 1 blank place holder. Player can use __ as a joker (i.e. nakku). When a number is called then it can be used as a joker if the called number belongs to the range of the column in which __ is present e.g. if __ is present in column 6 then joker number can be selected from 50 to 59 (column 1 is numbers from 1 to 9) and should not already be present in that column. These cards can also be used to play Duplicate Kukuba.
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Based on person Name, DOB and other specifications check out what is matching character. Popular ways are first alphabet of name, DOB, sum of alphabets etc.
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Label names for items.
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Stickers, name slips for Kids Notebooks, Books.
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Alphabets and numbers are given. Players have to write their first or full name. Host announces the numbers. Players have to strike numbers and corresponding alphabet in their names. Striking rules can be that player strikes all occurrences of that alphabet or only any 1 occurrence. Dividends are full name, first name, last name, all consonants, all vowels, first and last alphabets.
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kukuba grid cards without blank, empty space cells.
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A unique number is associated with an alphabet. Alphabets are generally theme based words on a tag line. Player has to strike alphabets corresponding to the called number. Dividends could be individual words, consonants, vowels, first and last alphabet of each word.
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Number based bingo cards in box format. These are 5x5 grid format in classic sense based on 75 numbers. Variation can include 25 or 90 numbers, with or without free space. Sometimes other grid sizes like 4x4 is also used for a quicker game.
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Numbers are present in Boxes generally lined up in a grid format.
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Bingo format Cards. Generally number based cards. These are 5x5 grid format in classic sense based on 75 numbers. Variation can include 25 or 90 numbers, with or without free space. Sometimes other grid sizes like 4x4 is also used for a quicker game.
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Bingo format Cards. Generally number based cards present in groups. These are 5x5 grid format in classic sense based on 75 numbers. Variation can include 25 or 90 numbers, with or without free space. Sometimes other grid sizes like 4x4 is also used for a quicker game.
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Different from Classic Tambola in many ways. These are generally colorful cards based on a theme. Instead of lines there is a concept of Groups. Numbers are provided in groups and a group name is given. To claim prizes player has to call out Group Name. Various Prizes/Dividends could be Individual Groups (like 3 lines), Full House, 1 number from each Group, Early 5, Combination of 2 groups e.g. Take Couple Theme. 4 groups would be there with 4 numbers in each group. 4 Groups would be Sweet Couple, Naughty Couple, Romantic Couple, Hot Couple. There are 4 numbers each in each of the groups. Player has to say Sweet Couple to call out for a win when all numbers of group Sweet Couple have been striked out by the player. Combination of Group could be Sweet & Romantic Couple, Hot & Naughty Couple.
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Numbers are associated with an image icon. This association with 1 kind of image icon makes a dividend group. Twist here is that player has to see all associated mapped icons without skipping any icon. Speed and accuracy is required to make a winning claim.
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A master/category key word along with other words are present on a card. Teams are formed. Host or member of other team announces master keyword. The team has to identify all words on the card. These words are related to master keyword based on category of master keyword. These are theme based cards. Team players say words one by one. If word is present on card then host strikes the name on card. Winner is the team which identifies all the words in least time. Other criteria could be team with most success rate i.e. minimum words used to identify all names.
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Theme based DIY paper badges to put and showcase in top of your dress (front of your shirt, dress). Give a warm welcome to your guests at your theme party with these special theme badges. Pin them up to the attire of your guests at your theme kitty party to give them a proper theme based feel. With these welcome badges they would not only feel extra special but would also become a part of the theme. So, don’t miss out these badges at your theme party for they would surely make it more memorable for your party guests. Use these Special theme badges to serve as great welcome props in a theme kitty party by simply pinning them up over the attire of all the guests. They could also be used to decide the punctuality winner by writing numbers on the back of these badges and taking out a lucky draw.
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Printed hat like a birthday hat. It is CIY & DIY.
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Cool Party Props for photo booth and great Selfies. Party props are images or text written on a background which is in a colored shape like rectangle, cloud, star, circle, heart etc. These Party Props are rectangle shaped with White space (or other colour) around the Shape. Text is mostly within the shape area. Cut-out of shape is not done.
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Theme based printed Tie.
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Instructions are written on chits of paper. These chits can be placed in a bowl or pasted (with little glue) on parcel. Host hand over bowl/parcel to one of the guests at random. Guest picks up a slip and read it. She follows the instruction. Bowl/Parcel is passed onto someone. This next person picks a slip and do as per instruction. Same process is repeated till bowl is empty. Person who is pointed out at the end is winner.
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Cut and Paste kukuba cards based on design and theme. Strips, designs have numbers, names, items on them. e.g. narrow shaped strips can be use to cut and paste on Bangles on both hands.
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Identify pattern based on logic. Check what other shapes, logic is given and identify missing pattern.
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A pattern is present in kukuba cards. It could be alphabets or some shapes. Special prizes are generally used in pattern kukuba. Host can decide dividends based on pattern and number of prizes to be given.
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To be used on pen, sketch pen as a theme decoration.
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Classic grid having 5 tickets in a card.
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Player has to recall what the host or a particular person is wearing. Player could be guests of the party, relatives in a baby shower, or husband/wife in couple party.
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Identify person character, personality based on instructions, clues, hints.
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Along with general Cue numbers, special row of cue numbers is also present. The cue numbers from special row can be used to replace existing cues in normal grid. Like a number is called by host which is present in Pick up/special row, then player can pick/replace that special row number with any number (of same column) which is yet to be striked to complete and win some dividend. Consider this special row numbers similar to joker of playing cards. Some rules can be implemented like maximum of 5 numbers can be replaced.
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Cool button Badges with pin to put and showcase in top of your dress (front of your shirt, dress).
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A blindfold is done to the player. An image is pasted on a flat surface like table or on wall. Blindfolded person is taken near to the image. Player has to pin or mark on the image as per the game. Player with closest mark/pin to the desired point on image is winner.
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Generally circular form game. Numbers/Cues are present in circle form.
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Numbers are present on cards. Images are present between numbers. Cards generally have concentric circles. An image gets completed when all numbers (generally 2) are striked out. Host calls the numbers and players strike them out on their cards. Complete dividends to win. Dividends are like combination of images - 3 Image 1 & 2 Image 2, All Image 1, Full house - All Images, Images in a group (or circle), 2 Image 1 & 3 Image 2 from Circle 1.
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Number based kukuba where numbers/cues are present in circle. Strike out numbers and collect points. Numbers are present in concentric circles with different weightage for different circles. When a number is strike out, player gets points based on circle in which number is present. Collect given number of points to win.
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Generally played with coins (other items can also be used). Players have to place coins/item on the card based on the number(s) given. Generally a time limit is given. Player who places maximum correct number of coins/items wins.
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Calling games based on playing cards. To be played using playing cards. Instead of normal tambola numbers playing cards are used as cues. 52 playing cards are randomly picked and called. Cards/tickets have playing card suite and players have to strike them.
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A paper for popcorn box shape to contain Popcorn or other small items. It is DIY/CIY.
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Posters for hanging, pasting on wall for decoration purposes, desk, doors.
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Smallest number on the card present in column 1 is the power number. When this number is called then all numbers starting from this number can also be striked out. If a card has numbers as 3, 5, 11, 18, 20, 32, 35, 51, 60, 62, 69, 71, 76, 80, 85 then 3 is the power number. When number 3 is called out then 32 and 35 can also be striked along with 3. These cards can also be used to play classic Tambola/Housie. Smallest number is the power number. It is in 1st column and would be between 1 to 9. When this special power number is strike then player can strike all numbers starting with that number. Other dividend can be striking out all number having the power number, or host can set a rule that maximum of 4 numbers can be strike out having the power number.
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Items are present on cards. Players have to the guess the price of item. Player with closest price wins. In case of tie lower price wins.
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Also known as Lowest Unique Price Tender Game. Item(s) are present on card/real. Players have to write a price for that item as positive integer i.e. 1 or more than 1. Lowest price amount which is unique is the winner i.e. only one person has given that amount. In case there is no unique price amount then lowest price with 2 persons will be considered for a win and by lottery system 1 winner can be identified. Similarly in case no persons are found then take 3 persons and so on.
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Quick short games for punctuality. Based on some design a game concept could be having 4 to 5 numbers on card which players have to strike out.
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Numbers/cues are present in form of a pyramid. Played similar like classic version but dividends can be based on pyramid rows, only side numbers, inner numbers, top and bottom rows.
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Four tickets are present on one card. It can be played as four games or single game. In a single game, 4 tickets can be considered as one ticket, 4 tickets or mix. In case of mix tickets some dividends would be based on combination of 2 or more tickets.
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A number grid is present with some numbers marked as dangerous/red/unhealthy/infected. Numbers around these marked numbers are quarantined numbers, other numbers are safe ones. Dividends could be based on clusters formed with infected numbers. all infected, all quarantined, all safe.
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Identify safe numbers based on given infected, dangerous numbers. Numbers around/adjacent to infected ones are quarantine numbers. Other numbers are safe numbers.
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Quick quiz cards for party, event. Based on occasion, party, event theme/requirement host asks the questions.
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Classic housie has numbers present on it which has to be striked. Word tambola has Word, Item Name, Names, Songs, Movies which has to be striked. In above cases same number, word, name, song is announced and has to be striked. In quiz based, a question is put and answer has to be striked out. e.g. A song is called, movie name has to be guessed which is present on cards and striked. A movie dialog is called out, movie has to be identified and striked. In education housie, a general knowledge question is called, answer has to be striked.
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Questions, hints, instructions are given and answers are to be written by players. There could be one word answers, sentences, fill in the blanks, multiple choice options, drawing instructions etc. These could be based on theme. These could be time based games or on first finish basis. Mix of different types questions can be included in a quiz. Questions can carry different marks. Host checks the sheet. Player with maximum marks win.
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These are randomly generated tambola tickets. Tickets doesn't depend on other tickets unlike in Classic Tambola Tickets where 6 tickets are grouped together.
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Numbers present on a card have to be strike out by reversing the called out number. e.g. if 52 is announced 25 has to be strike, for number 90 strike out 9, for number 1 strike out 10.
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Cool, unique, logical, funny riddles are asked by host. Player with fastest and correct answer wins for each riddle.
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Rules card or rules poster is set of rules (funny rules) or general instructions to be followed for a party. Though these may not be generally followed but having the rules at entry point or at tables is interesting.
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How common is your thought. A quick entertaining game with active participation of host and guests. Person with most common thought wins. A set of multiple choice questions are provided on a card with 4-5 answers. All answer options are correct. Cards are distributed to players. Player has to mark 1 option for each question. A time of 2 to 5 minutes is given for marking answers. Players write their names on cards. After time is over players give their cards to some other player for checking. After cards are exchanged they have to be checked by other players and marks are given. Host start from 1st question and asks who all have option A marked for Question 1 in the answer sheet they are checking. Host counts number of hands raised. This number is the marks given to these answer sheets for Question 1. This meant how much common thought was there as Option A for Question 1. Next, host asks which all answer sheet have option B marked for Question 1. Again number of hands raised are counted. Marks are given equal to number of raised hands. Similarly, other options are checked for Question 1. After Question 1 same steps are done for rest of the questions. After all questions are checked in this way, a total of marks is calculated for each answer sheet. Answer sheet with most marks win. This means that this person has most common thoughts.
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Say what you see or don't see. Mind games which deceive our mind. Generally a colour game where colour names are written in some other colour. Player have to speak colours and not the colour name.
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Points based alphabet number pingu kukuba. Cells with Alphabet and a Number are present. Host calls out the number and Players strike out the number (if present on cards) and corresponding Alphabet. Player checks out Point associated with that alphabet (generally 1 to 5) and remember/write (if space is provided) and make a note of total points collected. Dividends are based on points system. Collect point to win. When a number is called and player strike it out then she gets points based on number table. Collect points and claim prizes based on Dividend points decided. e.g. If a Dividend is say 13 points then when a player has exact 13 points then she can claim it. Fun part is that sometimes player crosses a Dividend and doesn't have exact points so the Dividend is still open for others.
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Find given words list like Word Search game. From the remaining alphabet cells make a secret word/sentence. Generally for making secret word/sentence all alphabets should be use. But in some games it would be only some alphabets which are used making it more difficult. From the remaining alphabets, player has to start from 1st alphabet from top left. Pick first alphabet say T and then 2nd alphabet say H. If these alphabets are making some sense then take them as starting alphabets of the answer and continue analysing each of the next alphabet. In case first and second alphabets are not making any sense then leave the 1st alphabet and start from 2nd alphabet onwards. In this case, from 2nd alphabet onwards the word can be formed as HENRY where next alphabets are E,N,R,S,Y. Alphabet S has already been used while word search, so not including the alphabet S. Word formed is HENRY.
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Find given words list like in Word Search game. From the remaining alphabet cells make a secret word/sentence. Remaining alphabets would be a set of repetitive alphabets of Secret word. Unjumble the alphabets and form Secret Word. e.g. Secret word is HENRY. Remaining alphabets would be E,N,R,H,E,Y,H,N,Y,R,E i.e. same alphabet could be multiple times.
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In a word search grid where single alphabet is present in each cell some given alphabets have to be striked out to reveal the phrase which could be a sentence or a word. Exact sentence with multiple words have to be formed the revealed phrase. e.g. After striking out all given alphabets B, C, M, N etc. (from grid), remaining alphabets are IAMGOOD. Sentence from this could be I Am Good.
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Host has 2 set of coins for playing. 1st set is used for normal calling of numbers. Second set of coins is use to put randomly across different sections/groups or these can be pre-filled for host. A playing card is provided to all participants. Same enlarged/big size card is available with host. Card has different groups (instead of lines), generally 6 or more. Host puts equal (generally) numbers of coins in each section/group randomly. Game starts normally by calling numbers. If a group gets completed for a participant then all numbers of the claiming participant are matched with corresponding section/group of host card. If no (0) number of participant card matches with host card then no prize and game continues with the group is still available as dividend. If 1 number of participant card matches with host card then prize amount is 1 time. If 2 number of participant card matches with host card then prize amount is 2 time and so on.
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Numbers are divided in sections across grid. Sometimes sections are given names based on theme. Dividends can be based on sections, individual section, grouping of sections, 1 number from each section.
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Cards having selfie taking instructions.
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Frame print for selfie based on theme.
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Cards/tickets are generated based on number of cues in such a way that each next card has 1 cue different from previous card and rest same. Cues can be numbers or terms. There are limited number of cards that can be generated. e.g. if there are total 256 different cues (normally there are 90) and in each card 16 cues are present then maximum number of cards that can be generated would be 256-16 i.e. 240. Such a concept is used when game has to be played for long as number of total cues is more.
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A game of synchronization where various items are present and have to be arranged in synchronization based on given rules. Terms, items, images are present in a pair of 2. 2nd term has to be searched among other items from the given list as 1st term. Then 2nd term of this searched item has to be searched like above. Term names have to be written in correct sequence to win. e.g. 6 Terms are there as 5 items. A, B, C, D, E, F are terms. These are arranged as following items A-C, E-B, C-E, B-F, F-D. Now, A is followed by C, C is followed by E, E is followed by B and so on. So solution is: A-C-E-B-F-D
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Sequence of items (generally 3 items) is shown and same sequence combination has to be striked if present on card. Items are generally colour shapes (or objects depending on theme). Various dividends could be Full House (completing all sequences on card), completing set of sequences (group of 5 sequneces each), completing each shape across all sequences, completing each colour across all sequences. This game requires more attention as shape/object sequence may not be interpreted correctly by a player.
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A Code is given to a group (and same or different code to all groups present on a card). Each code is repeated 3 (or more times) across all cards being played. If a player is winning a particular group dividend then Code present for this particular group may be present on other cards as well. In such a case, all such players having this code on their cards get equal distribution of prize amount. In case same player has this code more than once then her share is same number of times the code is present.
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Numbers are spread across groups. Some numbers are shared between 2 or more groups (generally 2 groups). When such a number is striked out then it is a strike for all the groups having this number.
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Host asks the players/guests about items. Host announces item name and guests tell if they have that item. This game can be played in different ways. A playing sheet having item names under points category are given to guests. Guests mark the items they have. Points are calculated and player with maximum points win. In another way of playing, host can also announce items randomly and in between can say count. Player with maximum points at that time wins. Another way of playing could be host announce an item name. First player to show that item is winner.
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Items (name, song, image, term) are present on one side and numbers are present against them. Each item has 3 or 4 (generally 3) numbers written against it in respective columns. In case of 3 columns, numbers 1-30 are present in 1st Column, 31-60 in 2nd column, 61-90 in 3rd column. Host announces the numbers and players strike them. Once all 3 numbers against an item are strike then player claims a prize. Host can put 4-5 such prizes. Other dividends include all numbers of each column.
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Designer Classic kukuba based on design. Numbers are present in a classic way but without a grid.
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1 ticket is present on 1 card. It is classic grid based designer kukuba.
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Classic grid is present but not in the 9x3 format. It could be 9x4, 9x5, 9x6.
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Cool Slogan Placards for photo booth, great Selfies and decoration. Slogan Placards are images or text written on a background which is in a colored shape like rectangle, cloud, star, circle, heart etc. These Slogan Placards are rectangle shaped with White space (or other colour) around the Shape. Text is mostly within the shape area. Cut-out of shape is not done.
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Some numbers are special/magic numbers. There numbers are present in some special tickets only. E.g. out of 90, 10 are special numbers. So, these 10 numbers would come in special tickets based on logic. Logic could be 1 special ticket can have 1 special number only, 2nd special ticket can have some other special number only.
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Cool Speech Bubbles, Props for photo booth and great Selfies. Speech bubbles are text written on a background which is in a colored shape like rectangle, cloud, star, circle, heart etc. These speech bubbles are rectangle shaped with White space (or other colour) around the Shape. Text is mostly within the shape area. Cut-out of shape is not done.
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Standee for decoration. It could be DIY, CIY. It could come without a base stand. In such cases Base stand has to be created or arranged by self.
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A story is read out, players have to identify numbers, words from story and strike them on cards if they are present. The story is generally theme based. Host should tell players about the theme/concept of story so that players can identify cues from story accordingly. Players have to be attentive as chances of missing cue/number are there. Host can adjust the story reading speed accordingly.
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Games based on strategy. Generally involves less players to play simultaneously. e.g. Tic Tac Toe, Dot Box. These can be played by people of various age groups. Use mind, apply logic and play strategy games.
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Popular sudoku game in different sizes. Theme based sudoku cards for party. Numbers, Letters and Images are present which have to be solved. Matrix could be smaller than 9x9 i.e. 6x6 for a quick game. First person to solve it correctly wins.
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SWAT Identity Square Wheel Addition Triangle Identity 4 shapes..4 colours..4 designs..4 positions Unique combinations on every identity card.. Only 1 pair has same SWAT Identity Search for it in crowd.. An exciting game of ice breaker..chit chat filled with fun.
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Acceossory for dining tables, tables.
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A master keyword is given which has to be identified. Some restricted words are present on cards which cannot be used by the leader. Teams are formed. A member of team (leader) is given this card by host. Leader has to give hints to his team but he cannot use restricted words. These cards are theme based. Team which identifies master keyword in least time is the winner.
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Stickers for Tags.
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A tag card is pasted on player's/guest's back. A word is written on tag card. It could be played in different ways. In one of the games it could be person's new name. All guests have to address this person with this new name. In another game each player has to guess her name by asking yes no questions to other guests. Tag names are generally based on theme. It is a very good activity for ice-breaker.
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A number based game. A fun and engaging games for players where they just don't strike the numbers which are called but marks a boundary around it. tagyab - Tag and Go - You are Ban. Total 90 numbers are required for the game. 81 cells are present on a card with 9x9 grid. 76 cells are filled with numbers. 4 set of images are present on each with each set having 2 same images. Host calls out numbers randomly. If a number is present on players' card then he has to mark a boundary on all 4 sides around that number on the dotted line already given. Concept of the game is to form a connected path between images by using marked lines. There are some green and red marked lines already present on card. Green lines are already connected and can be used in path. Red lines are banned and cannot be used in any path. Players have to connect same images, outer images to win.
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Cool Tagline Placards for photo booth, great Selfies and decoration. Tagline Placards are text written on a background which is generally single colour or gradient colour. Sometimes text is accompanied with a related image. A tagline placard is generally a Brand Tagline. Text is mostly within the shape area. Cut-out of shape is not done.
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Tambola Board
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Resources like dividend stickers, claim stickers.
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Most popular form of Tambola. Tickets are grouped as a set of 6 tickets where all numbers from 1-90 appear at least once across set of 6 tickets.
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Completed a line, house, group and looking for a prize. Yes, that comes in easily for a classic tambola. But in task tambola, there is some twist. After claiming a win for line, house, group player has to do a task written on card or say the number written there. Host tells what the number is associated with and player has a choice to do one of the task from the one written on card or told by host.
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Tent cards to be placed on tables which depicts some information. These comes as blank also where name can be written like item name, person name.
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Thank you cards for guests after the party when they are leaving. Thank you cards are sometimes given along with return gifts.
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Find treasure, clues and hunt for the items.
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Three tickets are present on one card. It can be played as three games or single game. In a single game, 3 tickets can be considered as one ticket, 3 tickets or mix. In case of mix tickets some dividends would be based on combination of 2 or more tickets.
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Grid layout is reversed. Instead of 9x3 it is 3x9
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Labels for Water Bottle
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Wearables like eye mask, hat for party
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Based on what person is wearing score is given. Host allocate points for different things. It could be positive or negative points. For items like earings, bangles, saaree etc. for colour, makeup and other things. Players with most and least points can be the winners.
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Cards with Welcome message. Give them to the guests when they arrive to the party.
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Printed welcome sign banner/poster
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Word or words are given and players have to provide answers for these word(s). Games can be based on theme. Some games could be providing names of animal kids based on animal, celebrity couple name, country capital names etc. Winners can be based on time or first one to complete correctly. It can be played as 2 minute game.
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Word Bingo format Cards. These are 5x5 grid format in classic sense based on 75 cues. Variation can include 25 or 90 cues, with or without free space. Sometimes other grid sizes like 4x4 is also used for a quicker game. A board with words is used to announce cue.
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It is similar to word search but little bit more difficult and interesting. In word search, words are present as vertical, horizontal, diagonal. It could be in forward or reverse direction. There is one direction only. But in word chain search words are not present in one direction. Each alphabet/letter of word is present adjacent to previous alphabet/letter of word. Adjacent could be on top, left, bottom, right but not diagonal. e.g. Word is GAME. A chain is formed where first letter (G) is placed in a cell. Next alphabet (A) is placed on bottom of (G). Next alphabet (M) is adjacent right to (A) which is previous alphabet of word. (E) is placed below to previous alphabet (M).
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Tambola Board for Words/terms with Clue Box.
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Tambola Board for Words/terms as Clue Grid.
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This could be played in multiple ways. A word would be given and pair word or related word or related words have to be provided depending on game concept. e.g. Pair Words - Day & Night; Related words could be Synonyms
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A sentence is given, word search has to be made from with in the sentence words and alphabets. Answer word could be last alphabets of a word in sentence + first few letters of next adjacent word in sentence. e.g. Find colour name from There demand. Answer Red. Re from There and D from Demand.
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Word or Words are given with blanks in them. Blanks may be presented by space, dash -, underscore _ or hash #. There would be missing letters in the word represented by above symbols. Word has to be guessed/identified and completed. e.g. COUNTRY can be written as C--N-R- In this example letters O,U,T,Y is the answer. The words could be theme based so that players can fill answers with words related to the theme.
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Tambola Board for Words/Terms as Grid.
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Tambola Board for Words/Terms as Grid Designer.
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Classic housie has numbers present on it which has to be striked. Word tambola has Word, Item Name, Names, Songs, Movies, Images instead of numbers. Players have to strike out word, name, song, movie on cards. These cards have a colorful designer background.
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Classic housie has numbers present on it which has to be striked. Word tambola has Word, Item Name, Names, Songs, Movies, Images instead of numbers. Though on card a name or image could be present along with number but it has to be played by calling word, name, song, movie name, image name, by showing image. Players have to strike out word, name, song, movie, image on cards. Another variant could be quiz based. In normal housie a number is called and same number is striked on cards. In Quiz Housie a questions is put and answer has to be striked out. e.g. A song is called, movie name has to be guessed which is present on cards and striked. A movie dialog is called out, movie has to be identified and striked. In education housie, a general knowledge question is called, answer has to be striked.
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Word Bingo format Cards. These are 5x5 grid format in classic sense based on 75 cues. Variation can include 25 or 90 cues, with or without free space. Sometimes other grid sizes like 4x4 is also used for a quicker game. A board with words is used to announce cue.
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Tambola Board for Words/Terms as Group.
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kukuba based on words, terms. These are not present in rows, grid. These are in form of groups. Grouping of words is done and group is given as name. Group acts as dividends.
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Jumbled numbers are present (mostly from 1 to 26). Some of the numbers from the range are missing. Numbers are mapped to alphabets like 1 is A, 2 is B, 26 is Z. Players have to find/identify all missing numbers and get corresponding alphabets for the missing numbers. From these alphabets players have to create a word. Generally this game is based on theme and the solution/answer word is based on theme.
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Classic housie has numbers present on it which has to be striked. Word image grid tambola has Images instead of numbers. Though on card a name or image could be present along with number but it has to be played by calling word, name, song, movie name, image name or by showing image. Players have to strike out word, name, song, movie, image on cards.
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Jumbled up words are present on a card. Players have to unjumble the words. Words could be based on a theme. This could be a time based game where person who solves maximum words correctly in given time frame wins or based on first finish correctly.
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List of terms along with ticket is present.
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Create small and big words from a word given on card. Points are given based on word length. Player with maximum points win. This game could be time based.
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Based on given name number combination strike out numbers.
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Search for names in jumbled Grid. Names are present Horizontally, Vertically, Diagonally in forward and reverse order. Names are related to theme.
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Tambola in form of word search. An alphabet grid is present with single alphabet present in each cell. Words are present in horizontal, vertical, diagonal direction. Each alphabet has a number associated with it. When a number is called corresponding cell has to be striked. Identify related words in grid and complete them by striking all alphabets of a word.
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Based on words sentence has to be created. Or Based on sentence word has to be identified. e.g. Say a Movie Dialog is given. Movie has to be identified from it. A word is given, a sentence has to be made.
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Speak and say written words based on rules and instructions. Generally this is based on color. Where color names are written in some other color and players has to say the color in which it is written instead of name. Winner is the player with most correct and fastest.
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List of words from multiple sentences/wordings are present in a jumble format. Words are present with a sequence number. Identify the sentence/wording and write numbers of that sentence/wording in given space.
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A playing sheet is handed over to players. Words or items are given on sheet. Players have to create and write a story based on these words and items. Winning criteria could be the first player to write a story using all the words and other could be for most hilarious story.
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Theme based Wrist Band
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It's a combination of 1 or more classic grid tickets (generally 3) on 1 card. Single ticket or combination of card(s) are divided into zone based on border or colour.