Various Patterns (winning criterias) of lanuk
Like we have various winning patterns in classical Tambola (some famous ones are Full House, 3 Lines, Corners etc.), something similar we have in LANUK. Below are some winning patterns. Game organiser can have all or some of these depending on number of prizes. He/She can think of other winning criterias as well.
Rooms are present on First Floor, Second Floor, Third Floor and Top Floor. Various kind of rooms are present on different floor. First floor has Circles, Second Floor has Rectangles and Third Floor has Diamonds.
All Rooms (numbers) 12, 14 present in Circles on Third Floor should be open. Room 12 is open when all connected rooms to it have keys i.e. 1, 29 and 33. And Room 14 is open when all connected rooms to it have keys i.e. 1, 33 and 45. When all rooms of this Floor are open then pattern is complete.
It is similar to circles. Rooms 29, 33, 45 present in Rectangles on Second Floor should be open. Room 29 is open when all connected rooms to it have keys i.e. 12, 46 and 54. Similarly for other rooms on this floor i.e. 33 and 45 connecting rooms should have keys. Room 33 is connected to 12, 14, 54, 57. Room 45 is connected to 14, 57, 64. So, to win Rectangles, rooms 29, 33 and 45 should be open.
Rooms 46, 54, 57, 64 present in Diamonds on First Floor should be open. Room 46 is open when all connected room(s) to it have keys i.e. 29. Room 54 is open when all connected rooms to it have keys i.e. 29 and 33. Similarly for other rooms on this floor i.e. 57 and 64 connecting rooms should have keys. So, to win Diamonds, rooms 46, 54, 57 and 64 should be open. Note: Only rooms are considered and not suites (i.e. Stars)
Suites are present on Ground Floor. There are 5 different Suites namely L, A , N, U and K present on this floor. A Suite is open when all rooms on any path from that Suite to Top Floor have keys.
Suite L
For Suite L there is only one path. Path 1 is having rooms 46, 29, 12, 1. All rooms on this path should have keys. Once Suite L is open then player has to say Suite L.
Suite A
For Suite A there are 4 paths. Path 1 is having rooms 46, 29, 12, 1. Path 2 is having rooms 54, 29, 12, 1. Path 3 is having rooms 54, 33, 12, 1. Path 4 is having rooms 54, 33 14, 1. Any of the 4 paths can be used to win Suite A. All rooms of a path should have keys to open this Suite. Once Suite A is open then player has to say Suite A.
Suite N
It is similar to Suite A. For Suite N there are 6 paths. Path 1 is having rooms 54, 29, 12, 1. Path 2 is having rooms 54, 33, 12, 1. Path 3 is having rooms 54, 33, 14, 1. Path 4 is having rooms 57, 33 12, 1. Path 5 is having rooms 57, 33 14, 1. Path 6 is having rooms 57, 45 14, 1. Any of the 6 paths can be used to win Suite N. All rooms of a path should have keys to open this Suite. Once Suite N is open then player has to say Suite N.
Suite U
It is also similar to Suite A. For Suite U there are 4 paths. Path 1 is having rooms 57, 33, 12, 1. Path 2 is having rooms 57, 33, 14, 1. Path 3 is having rooms 57, 45, 14, 1. Path 4 is having rooms 64, 45 14, 1. Any of the 4 paths can be used to win Suite U. All rooms of a path should have keys to open this Suite. Once Suite U is open then player has to say Suite U.
Suite K
Also called Kings Suite. It is similar to Suite L. For Suite K there is only one path. Path 1 is having rooms 64, 45, 14, 1. All rooms on this path should have keys. Once Suite K is open then player has to say Suite K.
Star consists of 5 Suites. Star is completed when all Suites are open. So, to win Star, suites L, A, N, U and K should be open.
When all the rooms of a floor and above floors have a key then player has to say Floor name to win the pattern.
Third Floor
This pattern is complete when all rooms present on 3rd and above (Top Floor) floors have keys i.e. Rooms 1, 12 and 14 should have keys. Once player has keys for all of these rooms then player has to say Third Floor.
Second Floor
This pattern is complete when all rooms present on 2nd and above (Third and Top Floor) floors have keys i.e. Rooms 1, 12, 14, 29, 33 and 45 should have a key. Once player has keys for all of these rooms then player has to say Second Floor.
First Floor
This pattern is complete when all rooms present on 1st and above (Second, Third and Top Floor) floors have keys i.e. Rooms 1, 12, 14, 29, 33, 45, 46, 54, 57 and 64 should have keys. Once player has keys for all of these rooms then player has to say First Floor.
Lanuk (or Hotel)
Also called Hotel. When all Rooms and Suites are open then Hotel is open. Once all Rooms and Suites are open player has to say LANUK.